Film & Mind: Blink Twice

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Blink Twice (2024, Zoe Kravitz director & co-screenwriter, 1 hr 42 min) tells the story of a dream-perfect island retreat turned sinister, where guests become entangled in a web of memory manipulation and psychological control. Set against the alluring backdrop of wealth and exclusivity, the film traces themes of power, complicity, and the struggle to […]

Book Review and Discussion | Drama as Film, Film as Drama

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

A Book Review and Discussion of The Necessary Dream: ?New Theories and Techniques of Interpretation in Psychoanalysis by Giuseppe Civitarese, MD, PhD, presented by Mark Winborn, PhD Civitarese takes the title of the book from a passage in Bion’s volume (p. 33), Cogitations, “the way in which the necessary dream is constructed”. The emphasis taken […]

Fingert Lecture: What Words Can’t Say. The Talking Cure and the Limits of Language

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Howard Levine, MD: Psychoanalysis is ‘the talking cure,’ but the problems raised by language are complex, paradoxical, and perhaps unsolvable. At their most effective, words play a vital role in psychic homeostatic regulation and the psychoanalytic process that is analogous to the architecturally structural role played by the keystone of an arch. The problem, however, […]

Saturday Morning Case Conference: Psychodynamic Work with Addiction

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This case conference series targets early career clinicians and those interested to learn about psychodynamic therapy technique. Jon Venitz, LSW, will present a patient seen in residential D&A treatment, with discussant Fred Baurer, MD, providing an overview of key concepts for working psychodynamically with patients struggling with addiction, including (1) case formulation, (2) the use […]

The Never-Ending Challenge of Reinventing Psychoanalysis for the Unknown with Ofra Eshel (2-Day Event)

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

During this two-day conference, Ofra Eshel will present two works, which will be evaluated and discussed by contemporaries Charles Levin, Aner Govrin, and Mary Tennes, as well as a clinical case presentation by Margaret Rubin. The works focus on recognition of the paradox of learning uncertainty and multiplicity of knowledge as well as helping clinicians […]

High Conflict Divorce

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Kate Scharff & David Scharff

Relational Psychoanalysis: In a New Key

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Morning Focus: Core Competencies in Relational Psychoanalysis Drawing from Dr. Roy Barsness’ text, Core Competencies in Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice, Study, and Research, this session invites participants to identify and explore the seven core disciplines of relational psychoanalysis, as revealed through his qualitative research. The workshop will deepen participants' understanding of relationally oriented […]

NPI Virtual Open House

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Join us for an engaging opportunity to learn about NPI on Zoom! Meet the Dean and President for an introduction to the program, connect with current candidates, experience a live class in action, and participate in a Q&A session to explore all our program offerings.

The IPA and NCP present Work Discussion Group for Catastrophic Situations

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

"Work Discussion Group (WDG) for Catastrophic Situations" – Martha Harris Model, Tavistock Organized by the IPA PACE Committee & NCP. About the Work Discussion Group: The Work Discussion Group (WDG) provides a reflective space for professionals working in catastrophic situations across diverse contexts such as hospitals, schools, and community centers. Grounded in the Martha Harris […]

20th Annual Austen Riggs College Counseling Conference: Peer Support, Community, and Belonging

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Hosted by the Erikson Institute for Education, Research, and Advocacy of the Austen Riggs Center Peer support serves a vital role in the mental health of college students. Beyond buttressing clinical services and expanding resources to meet unprecedented demand, it can mobilize students’ strengths and foster experiences of community and belonging. However, it also brings […]

ETHICS WORKSHOP – Dr. Jane Kite – Strange Bedfellows: Sexual Boundary Violations and Ethics in Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Dr. Kite will present a paper, Strange Bedfellows: and Ethics in Psychoanalysis, in which she will highlight the powerful role played by the analyst?s unconscious functioning in all analytic work and especially in cases of sexual boundary violations. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation.

The Innate Capacity for Representing Subjective Experience: The Infant’s Mind is Neither Primitive nor Pre-representational

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Anne Erreich, PhD, cites the prominence of theories which locate serious adult psychopathology in the pre-verbal infant’s inability to formulate or represent traumatic experience. The work of two such authors, H. Levine and D.B. Stern, is briefly considered. The frame of reference for this investigation is that clinical and academic research findings are highly relevant […]

Interpersonal Trauma and the Developmental Roots of Personality Disorders

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Dr. Clara Mucci presents the three levels of interpersonal traumatizations with all the consequences at the level of attachment styles, interpersonal neurobiology, and affect regulation and personability dynamics up to the point of developing complex PTSD and personality disorders.

Oedipus and Anti-Oedipus: On the Circularity of a Myth

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Led by Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Goetzmann. In this presentation, I will present?theoretically?the three stages of the Oedipus complex according to Freud and Lacan. A clinical discussion will follow this. With regard to the first phallic-imaginary stage, I will make references to Laplanche's seduction theory, particularly with regard to the attribution of gender identity. I […]

Mahler Symposium: It’s Not All About You: How Cultures Influence Toddlerhood

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

How infants and toddlers separate and individuate from their families has been formally studied largely from a Euro-American viewpoint. Separation-individuation occurs simultaneously, and intertwined with, the development of attachment patterns, but has received much less cross-cultural attention, a deficit this conference will attempt to address. Cultures are highly variable in how they influence early child […]

Psychoanalysis and Altruistic Living Kidney Donation: Toward a Psychodynamic Understanding of Donor Motivation

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Led by Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Goetzmann. Altruism itself is underexplored in psychoanalysis. The topic's importance for learners is its investigation into a peculiar form of altruism. Living kidney donors are unusual, extreme cases in which the acceptable costs to the benefactor far exceed an acceptable threshold for most people. There are many instances of […]

The Spring Symposium 2025

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Adjusting the Distance. Michael Feldman MB, BS,FRC,Psych; Kay Long PHD; Elizabeth Wilson MD

WPS David Black Memorial Lecture 2025

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Daniel Shaw, LCSW. Understanding Traumatizing Narcissism and Its Clinical Utility.  Mr. Shaw presents a way of understanding the traumatic impact of narcissism as it is engendered developmentally and as it is enacted relationally. Here, he focuses on the "traumatizing narcissist's" need for control, describes the internal needs and developmental narrative of the traumatizing narcissist, the […]

Psychoanalytic Techniques for Patients with Somatic Diseases

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This conference will explore the dynamic between psyche and soma, using the theoretical frame of the Paris Psychosomatic School to enhance skills. Both adult and child clinical cases of patients suffering from somatic illness will be presented along with some specific mental organization that requires technical changes in the analytic intervention to improve strategies.

Alumni Group – What is Effective in Psychoanalytic Treatments?

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presenter: M. Sagman Kayatekin, MD | Psychoanalytic discipline is in the process of broadening its theory, practitioners and applications. We welcome contributions from different psychoanalytic approaches and related disciplines in social sciences, humanities and neuro-psychoanalysis.

Psychological Nudity in Couples: From Sexual Arousal to Sexual Sadism

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This event will be presented by Professor Brett Kahr: Although we have all encountered naked human bodies across our lifetime, very few of us have had the opportunity to explore the fully naked human mind, namely, the true contents of sexual thoughts and fantasies and unconscious wishes and unconscious fears. In this presentation on “Psychological […]

Meet the Author: Fred Busch, PhD

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Join Fred Busch PhD, for our next Meet the Author event with Dan Jacobs, MD, and the online audience.

The Place From Which We Know: a Response to the “Ontological” Turn in Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Dr. Hannah Wallerstein address the recent shift towards was has been termed an “ontological” approach to psychoanalysis (Ogden 2019), in which experiencing and becoming oneself more fully are seen as the goals of treatment, with the generation of knowledge taking a back seat.

Understanding and Treating Disordered Eating Through A Psychoanalytic Lens

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This event will be presented by Dr. Jennifer Hanlin: Attendees will explore Philip Bromberg’s paper, Treating Patients with Symptoms—and Symptoms with Patience: Reflections on Shame, Dissociation, and Eating Disorders. Bromberg’s theory is that the therapist’s task is to allow themselves to slowly discover the patient’s multiplicity of self-states and the existing gap between the states. […]

A Rapaport-Klein Study Group Presentation: Did Strachey Falsely Scientize Freud? with Professor Mark Solms

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

The claim that Strachey ‘falsely scientized’ Freud, mainly through the translation of his technical vocabulary, is the red thread that runs through all the major criticisms of the Standard Edition (e.g. Bettelheim, Ornston, Laplanche). In this lecture, Professor Mark Solms will argue against this criticism on three grounds. (1) It fails to take account of […]