Connections And Conversation: An Exploration of Psychosis Through the Schreber Case – Charles Turk

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Free zoom event with Charles Turk M.D. By means of a metapsychologic elaboration of certain psychoanalytic concepts “Le388” a psychoanalytic treatment program for psychotic young adults in Quebec City has achieved a 60% cure rate among those engaged in that program. Those cured have been guided to dismantle their delusion and to find satisfying activity […]

Maintaining Professional Boundaries in Psychotherapy

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Bruce Hillowe, J.D., PhD, is a psychologist-psychoanalyst and mental health care attorney in New York State. In this workshop, he will be presenting a comprehensive overview of the ethical, professional, legal and clinical backgrounds for boundaries; discriminating between boundary crossings and violations; the establishment and maintenance of boundaries at the outset of and during psychotherapy […]

Grandmotherland with Judith Edwards

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Judith Edwards discusses the myths and realities underneath the saccharine grandmother 'norm', where culture, geography, social ideas and personality all play a part. 'An area ripe for exploration' said the late Hilary Mantel.

Consequences of Early Misattunment: Developmental and Diagnostic Considerations

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Thomas Barrett, PhD, will present his ideas about the impact of early relational misattunement on children and the role of relational attunement (ie Mindsight) when provided in the context of child psychoanalysis. He will provide vignettes from 3-4 clinical cases to illustrate his point of view. Ya-Juan Zhang will discuss Dr. Barrett’s paper and present […]

Consequences of Early Misattunment: Developmental and Diagnostic Considerations

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Thomas Barrett, PhD, will present his ideas about the impact of early relational misattunement on children and the role of relational attunement (ie Mindsight) when provided in the context of child psychoanalysis. He will provide vignettes from 3-4 clinical cases to illustrate his point of view. Ya-Juan Zhang will discuss Dr. Barrett’s paper and present […]

Clinical Practice with LGBTQ+ Patients: An Intersubjective/Relational Approach

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

During this interactive workshop, Jonathan Lebolt, PhD, LCSW-R, CGP, will address the following questions: What do we mean by LGBTQ+ (especially the +)? How can we work effectively with patients with a different gender identity or sexual orientation from our own? Drawing on Gray’s intersubjective, improvisational approach to psychoanalytic treatment, Dr. Lebolt will also illustrate […]

COWAP Film: Discussion on Gender: “Anatomy of a Fall”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Please Join Us Discussants: Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, MD and Carolyn Ratner-Fitzgerald, JD, PsyD Moderators: Margarita Cereijido and Anne Adelman present discussion of the film “Anatomy of a Fall” (2023) Directed by: Justine Triet Written by: Justine Triet and Arthur Harari *Participants should view the film beforehand. It is available on Amazon. Program Flyer: REGISTRATION […]

COWAP Film: Discussion on Gender: “Anatomy of A Fall”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Please Join Us Discussants: Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, MD and Carolyn Ratner-Fitzgerald, JD, PsyD Moderators: Margarita Cereijido and Anne Adelman present discussion of the film “Anatomy Of a Fall” (2023) Directed by: Justine Triet Written by: Justine Triet and Arthur Harari *Participants should view the film beforehand. It is available on Amazon. Program Flyer: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: […]

Community Psychoanalysis Certificate Program – Starts Sept. 20, 2024 – May 2, 2025

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Application Deadline: May 31, 2024 The Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis online application portal for the 2024-2025 Community Psychoanalysis Certificate Program (CPCP) is now open. Expand and enrich your clinical work by engaging in a two-year journey that melds didactic learning, experiential reflective groups, and hands-on placements in community agencies or nonprofits. Fridays, 12:00 pm […]

Connections And Conversation: Cupid’s Hour: The Transformative Potential of Female Erotic Countertransference – Janine De Peyer, LCSW-R

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Free zoom event with Janine de Peyer, LCSW-R: Why has so little been written about the female analyst’s sexual desire? Is sexual arousal during clinical work such a rarity, or is it a natural response that has simply been relegated to the unmentionable? This workshop will explore cultural and gender prohibitions against the acknowledgement of […]

Traumatophilia: Notes on Libidinal Fugitivity

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D. Psychoanalytic thinking teaches us that trauma leaves the subject fractured, less agentic, more subject to iterative, stalled revisitations of the traumatic event. With the help of Jean Laplanche’s metapsychology, Saketopoulou will discuss how significant possibilities for psychic transformation and for contact with experience are courted when we make ourselves passible […]

A Couple State of Mind – Conference

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

The speaker will be Dr. Mary Morgan. In this course we will look at some of the theories and clinical technique in working psychoanalytically with couples developed at Tavistock Relationships. Central to the clinical approach is a ‘couple state of mind’. This is seen as an intrinsic part of the couple therapist’s internal setting. CE.

Group Psychoanalysis: Who Knew?

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

In this 90 minute offering, Dr. Attwell will introduce the class to the didactic similarities and differences between individual and group psychoanalysis as well as how they can work in effective tandem. CE.

What is Effective in Psychoanalytic Treatments?

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presenter: M. Sagman Kayatekin, MD Description: Psychoanalytic discipline is in the process of broadening its theory, practitioners and applications. We welcome contributions from different psychoanalytic approaches and related disciplines in social sciences, humanities and neuro-psychoanalysis. Within this changing psychoanalytic scenery, a clearer articulation of the therapeutic potentialities and limitations of psychoanalytic approach is an important […]

Trauma and Resilience: Through a Psychoanalytic Lens

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Dr. Gilbert Kliman will present on his preschool Reflective Network Therapy. He will address how children can resiliently emerge from trauma and the adult aftermath of childhood trauma in foster care. CE.

Alessandra Lemma: The Erotic Body in Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Alessandra Lemma presents the final session of our ongoing videoconference series on the Erotic in Psychoanalysis. 2 CEs $60

Trauma, Polyvagal Theory and Therapeutic Presence

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

One of the most damaging sequelae of trauma is the loss of trust and security in interpersonal relationships (Fonagy & Allison, 2014.) When encountering a patient with traumatic interpersonal experiences, we cannot assume a capacity to trust or to form a safe, secure attachment. Nor can we assume the capacity to learn or benefit from […]

Fiction and Clinical Fiction

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Marilia Aisenstein will show how the psychoanalytical approach and the writing of fiction share the power to transform human psychological experience, to change the very essence of our being in the world. By referencing masterpieces of literature and presenting clinical vignettes, Ms. Aisenstein will demonstrate the intersubjective processes that are based in the unconscious. She […]

The Birth of Desire

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Marilia Aisenstein will lead us on a journey inside the mind of the newborn infant to demonstrate how human beings develop the capacity for waiting, a state that involves a pleasurable experience that paves the way for desire. Referencing Freud’s concept of “primary masochism” Ms. Aisenstein shows that having a “good enough mother”-- who through […]

Connections And Conversation: Psychoanalytic Contributions to the Treatment of Eating Disorders – Tom Wooldridge PsyD, ABPP, FIPA, CEDS-S

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Free zoom event with Tom Wooldridge, PsyD, ABPP, FIPA, CEDS-S : Psychoanalytic thinking offers valuable insights to clinicians working with eating disorders and body image concerns. In a field that increasingly emphasizes rapid symptom reduction, treatment providers risk neglecting less overt, and less easily measurable, aspects of the patient’s experience. This presentation will bring together […]

Trauma of Human Agency, Transmission of Trauma through Generations, & Reparation through Embodied Witnessing: A New Vision for Diagnosis & Treatment of Trauma with Clara Mucci, PhD

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Tapping the roots of mental health history, Dr. Clara Mucci continues the pioneering work begun in 1919 at The Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas with her masterful and highly accessible synthesis of psychoanalytic theorists, such as Freud, Ferenczi, and more, with contemporary perspectives on neurobiology and attachment disturbances. Cultivating refined skills in diagnosis and treatment, […]

Bridging Community and Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This course will offer an introduction to Community Psychoanalysis, with a focus on the experiences of clinicians working in community settings in the midst of sociocultural changes. The course aims to foster mutual dialogue and learning between community-based clinicians and leaders and members of the psychoanalytic community. CE.

Grappling With Trauma Treatment: Ambiguities Confronting Psychodynamic Clinicians

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Treating people suffering with trauma disorders present the clinician with several challenges and dilemmas. How does one diagnose and treat a trauma survivor from a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic perspective? How does the clinician understand changes in self-states, moods, and shifting affective states? Are we treating developmental trauma, or the kind of trauma that leads to […]

Ours, Yours, Mine – The Self in Relationship from Infancy through Later Adulthood: A Tribute to the Life and Work of Anni Bergman

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

53rd Annual Margaret S. Mahler Symposium on Child Development:  This program draws from approaches to clinical research and practice that are aligned with the work and legacy of Anni Bergman, PhD, a pioneer in developmental theory and in working with high-risk and at-risk individuals and families. Each presentation, and each discussant, builds on Dr. Bergman’s […]

Saturday Salon: I Can Do It All Myself: Working With Self Sufficient Patients

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This salon, taught by Glenda Corstorphine, will focus on our patients who have a hard time letting us help them. From a very young age they are used to figuring everything out on their own. When these patients enter therapy there is a longing for help, a hope that someone can come along side of […]

Mark Solms – A Neuroscientific Perspective on Freudian Dream Theory

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Mark Solms is a psychoanalyst, neuropsychologist and a professor in Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town (South Africa). His lecture begins with a discussion on the series of discoveries about the dreaming brain between the 1950s and 1980s that suggested that Freudian theory was scientifically disproven. Less well known is the fact that a […]

Psychoanalytic Substance Use Treatment: Reducing Harm Through Attuned Responsiveness

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

D. Bradley Jones, PsyD, LCSW and Darren Haber, PsyD, MFT demonstrate how a relational psychoanalytic approach that engages the subjective experience of the patient and contextualizes emotional pain can facilitate developmental growth for two patients on the “continuum of change,” not yet ready for abstinence. Heather Ferguson, LCSW, faculty from The Institute for the Psychoanalytic […]

Glen Gabbard, MD. “The Elusive Construct of Therapeutic Action”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Clinicians and researchers find it difficult to adequately describe how the patient changes and what roles the clinician has in facilitating change. What approaches have been developed to help us understand how patients can expand their understanding of the source of the difficulties and what they can do to improve their lives? Dr. Gabbard will […]

Understanding Issues of Dual Roles and Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Practice

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Dr. Judy Kantrowitz presents Understanding Issues of Dual Roles and Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Practice. In this workshop, we will consider the Ethical issues presented by Dual Roles and Conflicts of Interest in clinical practice. Dr. Kantrowitz will come prepared with 3 formal case vignettes for discussion. In addition, she will invite vignettes from […]

Gender Without Identity, Development Without Developmentalism

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Avgi Saketopoulou, PsyD. At this moment in time, conversations about gender are at the epicenter of heated debate and passionate conversation. At stake is gender's status as a concept (does gender matter, and if so, how?) and matters relating to gender development. Is gender an innate part of the self or one that […]

“Observer and Lens of Patient-Analyst Match”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

A Scientific Meeting presented by Judy Kantrowitz, PhD In this presentation, we will consider the importance of an outside observer in clinical work after the end of formal training. This includes but is not limited to the importance of peer supervision, supervision groups where cases can be shared confidentially, and other forms of clinical consultation. […]

Connections and Conversation: Belonging and its Discontents – Eyal Rozmarin Ph.D.

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Free zoom event Eyal Rozmarin, Ph.D: For a long time, I have been interested in the relations between individuals and collectives: the groups they are, and feel, part of; the groups they identify with, and in the act of identifying, becoming who they are. In other words, I’ve been interested in belonging: in how we […]

Where Is Psychoanalysis in the Psychotherapy Jungle?

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presenter: Jon G. Allen, PhD Description: After its dominance in American psychotherapy in the first half of the twentieth century, psychoanalysis was marginalized in the healthcare system in the latter part of the century. This marginalization resulted from the confluence of academic scientism and tailoring of psychotherapies to DSM diagnoses in psychiatry.

Andrea Celenza: Embodied Countertransference

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Andrea Celenza presents in our ongoing videoconference series on The Erotic in Psychoanalysis. 2 CEs $60

Zoom (Explo) course – Adult Development: Growth in Theory, in the Consulting Room, and in the Historical Moment

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This is a concise and accessible 5-session introduction to theories of adult development, featuring literary and historical case studies. In weekly meetings we'll read Carol Gilligan, Erik Erikson, and Usha Tummala-Narra on processes of change in the context of social justice. In tandem we'll read a new graphic memoir of adolescence by a Korean-American artist-writer […]

Dreaming of an Inclusive Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented in partnership with Casa de Salud’s Mental Health Collaborative with Patricia Gherovici, PhD; Harold Braswell, MSW, PhD and Juliana Varela, LCSW. Patricia Gherovici will compare two films documenting actual cures that push the boundaries of traditional psychoanalysis with two maverick psychoanalysts: Jimmy P: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian, a 2013 French film by Arnaud […]

The Untold Story of Sabina Spielrein: Healed and Haunted by Love

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

The unpublished Russian diary and letters of Sabina Spielrein represent a milestone for academics, scholars, historians, and psychoanalysts whose interest in the most enigmatic woman to have pioneered psychoanalysis and developmental psychology in the first part of the 20th century has never ceased to grow after she was rediscovered in the mid-1970s. These Primary sources, […]

Saturday Salon: Tending The Unborn

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This is the chronical of a journey taken by patient and therapist into the black abyss of insanity, formlessness, and desperation. This is the story of how the analyst “found” his patient, and how she became psychologically born. This course is taught by Dr. David Wayne. CE Credits

Morris Eagle Lectures – Recognition and Disturbances of Recognition in Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Contributions of Video Microanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

NCP Presents the Morris Eagle Psychoanalytic Research Lectures:  Honoring the life and work of distinguished member Morris Eagle. This event honors Morris N. Eagle, PhD, a renowned psychologist and psychoanalyst who has significantly contributed to our understanding of human behavior and the therapeutic process. He is a professor emeritus of the Derner Institute of Advanced […]

Leora Benioff, Ph.D.: Projection, Otherness, Difference: A Contemporary Approach to Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Leora Benioff, PhD, is a psychoanalyst and couple therapist based in Berkeley, California. This presentation will examine contemporary methods in psychoanalytic couples therapy, with a special focus on the approach developed by the Tavistock Clinic, as well as modern Bionian and object relations techniques. It may also explore additional theories, including link theory and attachment […]

An Unlived Life: Finding Hope In Complex Trauma (ICP-LA Open House)

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Join us for a live case presentation and discussion that will highlight the diversity of contemporary relational psychoanalytic approaches to clinical work available within the training programs at ICP. Candidate, Mia Goldman, MA, LMFT will present an evocative case of trying to find hope with a patient struggling with the impact of chronic and complex […]

Film and Mind Online: Joyland

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Joyland (2022, 2 hr 1 min, from Pakistan) is a romantic tragedy written, directed and co-edited by Saim Sadiq. Beyond the plot line, the film shows what happens to “self” when societal roles prevent individuals from realizing identities. As a family drama, Joyland raises the deeper identity problem of self-obliteration when the self isn’t seen […]

Connections and Conversation: Analytic Love, Self-Compassion and the Growth of Internal Secure Attachment – Daniel Shaw, LCSW

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Free zoom event with Daniel Shaw, LCSW: Contemporary relational psychoanalytic theories have emphasized the therapeutic action of both empathy and mutuality. Trauma theories build on the establishment of relational safety and trust to focus on promoting the patient’s self-reflection and self-regulation skills, and the development of self-compassion in the service of healing self-alienation. The author […]