A Psychoanalytic Town Hall: Controversial Issues in the 2024 Election

New Center for Psychoanalysis 2014 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

A Psychoanalytic Town Hall: Controversial Issues in the 2024 Presidential Election Panel of Psychoanalysts: Michael Diamond, PhD, David James Fisher, PhD, Mark Fisher, MD, Debra Myers, MD, Peter Wolson, PhD Town Hall Moderator: Peter Wolson, PhD On the cusp of this hotly contested presidential elections with radical differences between the party platforms and candidates and […]

“Note To Self: It’s Time to Learn Lacan!” – An Introduction to Lacanian Clinical Theory and Practice

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) +1 more

Bruce Fink joins NCP to discuss Lacan’s Clinical Theory"Analysts on the whole imagine that to understand is an end in itself... To think, it is often better not to understand; and one can gallop along, understanding for miles and miles, without the slightest thought being produced.” - Lacan, 1958 This meeting is designed for analytically […]

A Day with Carol Gilligan – In a Human Voice: A Story That Goes Beyond Gender

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) +1 more

Carol Gilligan joins NCP to discuss her newly released book In a Human Voice. It has been over forty years since the publication of Gilligan’s revolutionary book In a Different Voice (1982), when she amplified women’s voices on self and moral development, helping them to be heard in their own right, and with their own […]

Maternal Erotic Transferences and the Fate of Feminine Signifiers

New Center for Psychoanalysis 2014 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

New Center For Psychoanalysis This event addresses: Maternal Erotic Transferences and the Fate of Feminine Signifiers This program is designed to address clinically relevant theorizing and its clinical applications on a variety of psychoanalytic perspectives revolving around transferences, states of being and the place of love in the analytic setting. The day’s program will be […]

Scientific Meeting: Embodiment and the Perversion of Desire

New Center for Psychoanalysis 2014 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States

New Center for Psychoanalysis This event addresses: Embodiment and the Perversion of Desire Dr. Celenza presents the case of Laura, who considers her sexual desire to be perverse, to illustrate ways in which subjective positions and affective, embodied states can be defended against, split off or otherwise dissociated, reflecting a perverse intra-subjective position. A schematic […]