A Psychoanalytic Town Hall:
Controversial Issues in the 2024 Presidential Election
Panel of Psychoanalysts: Michael Diamond, PhD, David James Fisher, PhD, Mark Fisher, MD, Debra Myers, MD, Peter Wolson, PhD
Town Hall Moderator: Peter Wolson, PhD
On the cusp of this hotly contested presidential elections with radical differences between the party platforms and candidates and American democracy in question, Dr. Wolson will moderate a Town Hall discussion of the most pressing, controversial issues, from a psychoanalytic perspective. This forum provides an opportunity for mental health practitioners to express their opinions about the election as well as a professional space to analyze the unconscious psychodynamics embedded in the issues and affecting the candidates. Dr. Wolson and a distinguished panel of psychoanalysts will speculate about the psychodynamic trends that emerge from the discussion. Participants of every political persuasion are encouraged to attend.
The presenters along with the audience will actively participate in a discussion, moving from opinions, feelings and beliefs to a more objective state with greater understanding of psychodynamic implications. The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness about “the political issues” and how it impacts us as professionals, as well as our client population. The program will aid the clinician in identifying and addressing the psychodynamic mechanisms underlying current political issues and parties, helping us with our clients and our own countertransference issues that may be evoked in the clinical setting.