Dynamics of Maternal Narcissism | Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia

Virtual, via Zoom

"In this latest installment of our case conference series, targeted at early career clinicians and those curious to learn more about psychodynamic approaches to therapy, PCOP psychotherapy student Nicole Flibbert Laurino, LPC, will present from her work with an adult patient treated in a community mental health setting, who struggles with feeling ""not good enough"" […]

Googling for Ghosts: Confessions of a Reluctant Psychoanalyst

Hybrid: In-person Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia & Virtual 3810 Mt Pleasant Dr, Philadelphia, PA, United States +1 more

Sylvia Flescher, M.D., will join us in person on Friday, November 17th, and share with us excerpts from her memoir-in-progress. Her memoir describes the evolution of her identity as a clinician since her analytic training in the '80s. Dr. Flescher will talk about the origins and development of her ambivalence towards psychoanalysis, considering the role […]

Saturday Morning Case Conference: On Stranger Waves: Orienting One(s) Self in the “I Don’t Know”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

The word “stranger” comes from the Latin word extraneus, meaning “one who is on the outside.” In this latest installment of our case conference series, targeted to early career clinicians and those curious to learn more about psychodynamic approaches to therapy, PCOP Psychotherapy Associate Member, Jasmine Gibson, LCSW, will present from her work with a […]

Children’s Defenses Against Painful Affect: The Case of Philip and an Introduction to Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Psychoanalytic interventions occur in manualized short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy through the Regulation Focused Psychotherapy approach. In this presentation, Drs. Leon Hoffman and Timothy Rice will review the history of the psychoanalytic technique of interpreting defenses against painful affect with children, demonstrate its effectiveness in the case history of Philip, a six-year-and-five-month old boy who was felt […]

The Pastor and The Analyst: Internal Splitting and External Polarization An Interactive Discussion of the Connection between Divided Intrapsychic and External Worlds

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Splitting and Polarization are two common phenomena in the intrapsychic and social world. Yet, in recent years, with heated and polarized divisions in various contexts breaking further apart, the topic is particularly on point. The program will offer participants an environment to explore the emotionally highly charged dynamics of splitting and polarization, which are occurring […]

When Secrets Emerge: Uncanny Impact in Analysis and Therapy on the Clinician’s Body & Mind

Hybrid: In-person Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia & Virtual 3810 Mt Pleasant Dr, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Listening to secrets is part of the everyday work of a psychodynamic clinician. Despite its importance, this topic has not received extensive attention in the analytic literature. The impact on the clinician in unexpected emotional and physical ways deserves greater scrutiny than has generally occurred in training. It can be experienced as uncanny and disturbing. […]

Loathing What We Desire: Clinical Manifestations of Kristeva’s Abject

Hybrid: In-person Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia & Virtual 3810 Mt Pleasant Dr, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Following a two-year personally driven immersive odyssey into the works of French Psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva, Nancy M. Kulish, PhD has arrived at a particular understanding of the concept of the abject. Dr. Kulish will guide us on her journey to show us a new way to understand the way the very early conflictual engagement between […]

Ours, Yours, Mine – The Self in Relationship from Infancy through Later Adulthood: A Tribute to the Life and Work of Anni Bergman

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

53rd Annual Margaret S. Mahler Symposium on Child Development:  This program draws from approaches to clinical research and practice that are aligned with the work and legacy of Anni Bergman, PhD, a pioneer in developmental theory and in working with high-risk and at-risk individuals and families. Each presentation, and each discussant, builds on Dr. Bergman’s […]

The Birth of Desire

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Marilia Aisenstein will lead us on a journey inside the mind of the newborn infant to demonstrate how human beings develop the capacity for waiting, a state that involves a pleasurable experience that paves the way for desire. Referencing Freud’s concept of “primary masochism” Ms. Aisenstein shows that having a “good enough mother”-- who through […]

Fiction and Clinical Fiction

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Marilia Aisenstein will show how the psychoanalytical approach and the writing of fiction share the power to transform human psychological experience, to change the very essence of our being in the world. By referencing masterpieces of literature and presenting clinical vignettes, Ms. Aisenstein will demonstrate the intersubjective processes that are based in the unconscious. She […]

Consequences of Early Misattunment: Developmental and Diagnostic Considerations

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Thomas Barrett, PhD, will present his ideas about the impact of early relational misattunement on children and the role of relational attunement (ie Mindsight) when provided in the context of child psychoanalysis. He will provide vignettes from 3-4 clinical cases to illustrate his point of view. Ya-Juan Zhang will discuss Dr. Barrett’s paper and present […]

Consequences of Early Misattunment: Developmental and Diagnostic Considerations

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Thomas Barrett, PhD, will present his ideas about the impact of early relational misattunement on children and the role of relational attunement (ie Mindsight) when provided in the context of child psychoanalysis. He will provide vignettes from 3-4 clinical cases to illustrate his point of view. Ya-Juan Zhang will discuss Dr. Barrett’s paper and present […]