Psychedelics in Psychoanalysis

In-person & Virtual +1 more

Dr. Megan Rundel, PhD, is a practitioner of psychedelic-assisted psychoanalysis in Oakland, CA. In this course, we will explore the psychedelic renaissance in mental health treatment and how it is relevant to psychoanalysis. We will consider the history of psychedelic use, and cultural issues that exert strong influence on our attitudes toward them. We will […]

Gender without Identity, Trauma as Resource

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) +1 more

Presented by Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D. At a time of unprecedented legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ people, with gender-affirming care for trans youth being banned in multiple states, psychoanalysts are increasingly confused about how to approach gender complexity. Is gender a core part of the self that just needs to be discovered and granted recognition? Is it […]

Saturday Salon: Tending The Unborn

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This is the chronical of a journey taken by patient and therapist into the black abyss of insanity, formlessness, and desperation. This is the story of how the analyst “found” his patient, and how she became psychologically born. This course is taught by Dr. David Wayne. CE Credits

Saturday Salon: I Can Do It All Myself: Working With Self Sufficient Patients

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

This salon, taught by Glenda Corstorphine, will focus on our patients who have a hard time letting us help them. From a very young age they are used to figuring everything out on their own. When these patients enter therapy there is a longing for help, a hope that someone can come along side of […]

A Couple State of Mind – Conference

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

The speaker will be Dr. Mary Morgan. In this course we will look at some of the theories and clinical technique in working psychoanalytically with couples developed at Tavistock Relationships. Central to the clinical approach is a ‘couple state of mind’. This is seen as an intrinsic part of the couple therapist’s internal setting. CE.

A Competency-Based Approach to Psychodynamic Supervision

In-person: Huntington Beach, CA - Full address provided upon registration CA, United States

Clinical supervision provides the foundation for ensuring patient care and professional development. This salon introduces an approach integrating psychoanalytic/psychodynamic principles and processes to enhance clinical competence. Participants will learn practical strategies to facilitate effective clinical supervision through presentations, video examples, and discussions. Topics include best practices for developing the supervisory alliance, facilitating reflective practice, addressing […]

The Basics of Psychopharmacology

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Dr. Mauricio Salvador Garza Villalobos Psychiatric medication is surrounded by myths and fears both by patients and even from professionals in the mental health world. Being able to detect when the threshold for a referral to the psychiatrist is an essential skill for everyone who works in psychotherapy. But the work is not […]

The Work of Jean Laplanche

Hybrid: Zoom and The Chicago School, 2400 E. Katella Ave, Suite 1200, Anaheim CA 92806 Anaheim, CA, United States

Presented by Dr. Jonathan House, M.D: Dr. Jonathan House was appointed by Laplanche to serve on the Conseil Scientifique of the Fondation Laplanche where he has been responsible for translations of Laplanche’s work into English. Join Dr. House as he provides an in-depth introduction to the work of Jean Laplanche.

How Relational Sensibility Enhances Psychotherapeutic Experiencing

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Lawrence Hedges, PhD, PsyD, ABPP. Technologically driven research during the last three decades in the fields of neuroscience, infant research, and relational psychotherapy has made clear the importance of the ongoing impact of experiencing and processing the relationship in psychotherapy. In this course Dr. Hedges will review the ways that psychotherapists of all […]

Psychopathology and the Psychoanalytic Process

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Dr. Avedis Panajian, Ph.D., ABPP in Clinical Psychology Dr. Panajian will discuss the differences between neurotic, borderline, and psychotic mental functioning. Personality disorders with severe and not-so-severe psychotic functioning will be reviewed. The impact of psychiatry, culture, and some analytic practice that views suffering as destructive for our patients will be discussed. Destructive […]

Saturday Salon: Identifying and Treating “Psychotic Pockets” in Relational Psychotherapy

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Dr. Lawrence Hedges, Ph.D., Psy.D., ABPP: Over the past two decades, it has become increasingly clear that the earliest of life’s experiences have left “pockets” of primitive relational patterns in many otherwise well-developed people. Hedges will discuss the nature of early relational experience and how early experiences of distress often leave marks on […]

Saturday Salon: Exploring the Transgender Edge in the Analytic Relationship

Long Beach, CA (In Person)

Presented by Tiffaney Hale, LMFT Attendees will explore Griffith Hansbury’s paper, The masculine vaginal: Working with queer men’s embodiment at the transgender edge (2017) as a conduit for both thinking about their own gendered experiences and clinical stances toward patients’ gendered presentations.

Risking Intimacy and Creative Transformation in Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Dr. Lauren Levine, Ph.D. In this presentation, Dr. Lauren Levine will reflect on the power of stories to create shared symbolic meaning and coherence out of ungrieved trauma. Through evocative clinical stories, she will explore creativity as transformative, emergent in the clinical process, drawing on film, dance, and literature and dreams as frames […]