We are all imbedded in the sociocultural context in which we exist. The personal subjectivities of both therapist and patient are deeply affected by the experiences within their particular sociocultural context. Race and culture make their way into the clinical dyad in myriad ways both big and small with big consequences. The necessary exploration of these experiences, both consciously and unconsciously, exposes the therapist to vulnerable feelings which often require a willingness to acknowledge the limits of empathic understanding. Join Kris Yi, Paula Christian Kliger, Holly Han, and Lynne Jacobs for an enlightening panel-style conference.
APsA Publications

The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA)
JAPA is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles and commentaries, ground-breaking research, thoughtful plenary addresses, in-depth panel reports, and more.

The American Psychoanalyst (TAP)
APsA’s triannual magazine, TAP, offers a psychoanalytic perspective on current events in psychology, the arts, and culture for mental health professionals, students, and the general public.

Psychotherapist Newsletter
The Psychotherapist Newsletter features scientific programs and publications about psychoanalytic psychotherapy, personal reflections, social and community issues, and advocacy.
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