2023 Membership Dues*
Categories and Explanations | Subscriptions | Membership Info | Voluntary Contributions
2023 dues payments are due by January 31, 2023. To maintain access to YOUR APsA benefits, community, and experiences, please renew upon receipt. APsA accepts all major credit cards and (NEW) now accepts debit cards & electronic checks (ACH) in the Portal. If you are interested in setting up quarterly or monthly payments to your credit card, please contact the National Office to set-up a dues payment plan. Members who have not paid their dues prior to December 1st are ineligible to vote in an APsA election the following January; or prior to May 1st for June elections.
(a) Login to the Portal https://apsaa.users.membersuite.com/home -click on the Head Silhouette to Login; (b) Click on the Bell under the Silhouette to pay (c) Need login help? please email info@apsa.org.
- Now you can Login to the APsA website (apsa.org) to pay your dues in the portal. Login to the Member Dashboard and then click on the balance. You can also click on “Access Member Portal” from the Member Dashboard.
APsA policy requires a letter of resignation from members interested in resigning. You must submit a resignation request in writing to the National Office at membership@apsa.org or mail to APsA, 122 E 42nd St Suite 2310, New York, NY 10168-0002.
Membership is continuous unless we receive your request to resign in writing. Non-payment of dues does not constitute an automatic resignation (the member will have an outstanding balance under their account).
Please make sure your contact information is up to date and advise the National Office (info@apsa.org) of any corrections to your address, phone, and e-mail. Or Login to the Portal to update your contact information online.
What are Bundled Dues?
Bundled dues means that your dues include JAPA and digital IJP with your APsA dues. Therefore, you do not need to do anything to add your subscriptions – it’s already bundled in. Please proceed to pay as you normally would. Contact the National Office (info@apsa.org) if you have any questions.
Full Active Membership Dues:
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $1,260
APsA $750
IPA# $360
Opportunity to subscribe to Journals at Member rates – see Subscriptions.
- Special 1st Year Dues Rate for first time Active Members:
(does not apply to reinstated members)
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $705
APsA $375 (reduction of 50% from full Active rate)
IPA# $180
Opportunity to subscribe to JAPA at Member rates – see Subscriptions.
- Special 2nd Year Dues Rate for first time Active Members:
(does not apply to reinstated members)
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $984
APsA $564 (reduction of 25% from full Active rate)
IPA# $270
Opportunity to subscribe to JAPA at Member rates – see Subscriptions.
#International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) – for Psychoanalyst Members who satisfy all membership requirements of the IPA. IPA dues is not optional.
Opt-in retirement plan for Senior Member dues.
The APsA Board of Directors approved a new opt-in retirement plan that started in January 2021 that will allow Psychoanalyst Members (Active Members) who have newly reached Senior status (having turned 70 in the previous calendar year and who have 10 years of membership) to request semi-retired or fully retired dues status.
Semi-Retired – eligible members working less than 15 hours a week would pay dues equal to 2/3 of the Full Active Membership Dues rate.
Retired – eligible members not deriving income from clinical practice (psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, clinical consultation, supervision, pharmacology, and testing) would pay dues equal to 1/3 of the Full Active Membership Dues rate. Fully retired members will be noted within the roster.
Semi-retired and retired members will retain all member benefits including voting and holding office. New 2023 Senior Members can complete a short form attesting to their eligibility by January 31, 2023 for the current year. Forms received after that date will not have their IPA dues reduced for the current year as the IPA finalizes member dues as of January 31st.
Current Senior Member: Members who are already psychoanalyst senior/life members will continue within their existing dues reduction schedule and will not be subject to the new plan. However, these members are invited to make donations equivalent to the dues applicable under the new plan and to participate in APsA’s fund-raising initiative, which can be found at apsagiving.org.
IPA Senior Dues: Effective in 2021, the IPA# invoices $100 dues to all senior/life dues-exempt members. Therefore, dues-exempt senior/life members will be billed $100 for IPA dues – in addition to any voluntary contributions and subscriptions. Please be advised that non-payment of this IPA dues results in no longer being an active voting IPA member.
#International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) for Psychoanalyst Members who satisfy all membership requirements of the IPA.
Full Candidate Membership Dues:
Standard dues rate of membership through graduation.
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $345
APsA $200
IPSO* $40
Opportunity to subscribe to JAPA at reduced rate – see Subscriptions.
- 1st calendar year of Candidate Membership:
Dues are significantly reduced (does not apply to reinstated members).
Dues & Subscriptions^: $70
APsA $30 (savings of 90% from full Candidate Member rate)
IPSO* $40
^New membership includes a complimentary subscription to JAPA and IJP; subscriptions will begin in January for new members joining between July-December.
- 2nd year of Candidate Membership:
Dues are reduced (does not apply to reinstated members).
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $215
APsA $100 (savings of 50% from full Candidate Member rate)
IPSO* $40
Reduced 2nd year candidate member subscription to JAPA plus IJP included for only $75.
*International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization (IPSO) – for candidates that meet the IPA’s training track requirements. Non-voting IPSO membership is available for candidates that don’t meet the IPA’s requirements. IPSO dues is not optional.
Note: New IPSO Policy – in order to participate in IPSO events or receive an IPSO discount, your APsA/IPSO dues must be paid for the current year by March 15th.
Full Academic Candidate Dues:
Dues rate from the 2nd year of membership through completion of the non-clinical/academic program.
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $180
APsA $75
Opportunity to subscribe to JAPA at Member rates – see Subscriptions.
- 1st calendar year of Academic Candidate Dues:
Dues are significantly reduced (does not apply to reinstated members).
APsA $30^
^New membership includes a complimentary subscription to JAPA; subscriptions will begin in January for new members joining between July-December.
Full Academic Associate / Academic Associate Dues:
Bundled Dues & Subscriptions: $280
APsA $130
Opportunity to subscribe to JAPA at Member rates – see Subscriptions.
JAPA: APsA membership includes the option of subscribing to the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) at a preferential rate. Current subscribers must remit their dues payment no later than January 31, 2023, to avoid subscription interruptions. If you are not a current subscriber, members can order JAPA in the portal (login required) or add an additional $95 to the total on your mailed invoice.
- 2023 Member Subscription Rate:
JAPA $95 (34% off the cover rate)
IJP: For 2023, APsA offers as a member benefit an extremely reduced subscription to the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP) for a digital subscription included with your bundled dues and subscriptions. If you have questions, contact membership@apsa.org. This special offer ends on January 31, 2023. An IJP subscription entitles subscribers to access not only the current year of IJP but also the previous three years (2022, 2021, 2020) and to attend IJP Study Days online free of charge. Subscribers will receive an email from IJP once their subscription is processed. Anyone who wishes will be able to upgrade their subscription to a paper copy (six for the year) for just $35 as detailed in their IJP subscription welcome email.
APsA: By making a voluntary donation of $100, you can make possible projects that can’t be funded through the normal operating budget. These include projects related (but not limited) to: Advocacy | Education | Practice Building | and more. Your support also makes possible APsA’s ability to respond to unexpected calls for action. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Visit: apsagiving.org

With a $100 donation to the FPR, you can:
- Support psychoanalysis in the marketplace of ideas
- Promote basic and applied research involving psychoanalytic perspectives and observations
- Assist young scholars and provide research consultation.
To see a list of grant recipients, visit: apsa.org/research-fund

Your $100 gift to the American Psychoanalytic Foundation (APF) can help support programs that promote a better understanding of psychoanalysis and that encourage effective and innovative dissemination of psychoanalytic ideas and services to the public. APF seeks to build the reputation of psychoanalysis as a powerful therapeutic and research instrument that can be applied to a wide range of individual behaviors and cultural phenomena. To access guidelines for grant applications, visit: apsa.org/apf
All donations can be made at apsagiving.org or they can be made in the portal (login required).
*Membership in the American Psychoanalytic Association has recently (as of February 2023) expanded and now includes psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, academics, researchers and others – all whose work is profoundly informed by psychoanalytic theory and values. Policies and procedures are now being developed and changes will be implemented in phases. During this period of implementation, we thank you for your patience as we prepare for this new and exciting membership expansion. This page will be updated in the early fall with the 2024 Dues Information including all of the new membership categories.