The Lee Jaffe Candidates’ Council Paper Prize


Lee Jaffe, Ph.D, former APsA President

The Lee Jaffe Candidates’ Council Paper Prize is an annual award for APsA Psychoanalyst-In-Training Member(s), who submit outstanding papers on a psychoanalytic subject, based on peer review.

The prize is named in memory of Lee Jaffe, Ph.D., a former APsA President, who is fondly remembered for his tireless work on behalf of APsA and the psychoanalytic community. Lee initiated the Paper Prize when he was President of the Candidates’ Council.

The winning author will present their paper at APsA’s National Meeting (winter) and the semi-finalist will present their paper in a Zoom session later in the year. The winner is encouraged to present their paper at a local venue. The winner and semi-finalist may submit their papers for review by JAPA, and if accepted, the paper will be published as the winner or semi-finalist of the Candidates’ Council Paper Prize.

The Candidates’ Council of the American Psychoanalytic Association with support from contributions made in memory of Dr. Jaffe. If you would like to make a charitable contribution, please follow this link.

Eligibility Criteria
Manuscripts must be submitted by an APsA Psychoanalyst-In-Training Member and must be unpublished and cannot have been submitted for publication, although it can be based on a paper that was presented at professional meetings. Each manuscript must conform to the preparation of manuscripts guidelines outlined by JAPA, with the exception that the length should not exceed 30 double-spaced, typed pages.

Psychoanalyst-In-Training members’ who have recently graduated are eligible to submit a paper for the award during the year following their graduation.

Submit two copies in Word, one copy must include the author’s name, email address, address, phone number, and institute affiliation, the author’s name and contact information must be omitted from the second copy.

  • Submissions should be emailed to Elizabeth Hamlin, M.D. no later than May 1st.

A prize of $1,500 will be awarded to the winner and $500 will be awarded to the semi-finalist.

Past Winners
Click here to view the previous recipients of the Lee Jaffe Candidates’ Council Paper Prize.


Click here to donate to the prize fund.

Elizabeth Hamlin, M.D. ([email protected])