Medical Privacy
APsA advocates for the protection of patients’ right to privacy.
APsA advocates for its members and the profession at the federal and state levels. This section features news and updates on topics of priority to the Association.
APsA advocates for the protection of patients’ right to privacy.
APsA works closely with its partner associations to ensure ongoing compliance within Medicare and private insurers regarding the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
APsA advocates for favorable rulemaking and criteria across all federal agencies to properly classify and evaluate mental health disorders.
APsA tracks and weighs in on legislation that could lead to dramatic changes in the economics of health care and other aspects of health care policy.
These include cases important to psychoanalysis as a profession, as well as those that are of broader social import.
© 2009-2023 American Psychoanalytic Association | 122 East 42nd Street, Suite 2310, New York, NY 10168 | Phone: (212) 752-0450 |