Welcome to APsA’s Candidates’ Track Page. Please click into the below dropdowns to find helpful information to make the most of the 2024 National Meeting.  You will find programming specifically geared to candidates in training, in addition to all of the other offerings listed in the program. Attending candidate programs is a great way to meet candidates from all around the country in small discussion group settings, and may present the beginning of a rewarding connection to APsA’s candidates’ community.

  • Programs include the Candidates’ Forum, the Candidates’ Council Master-Teacher Award Presentation, Coffee with a Distinguished Analyst, Senior Analyst 2-Day Presentation, the Candidate at Work session, the Lee Jaffe Candidates’ Paper Prize Presentation, and so much more.  Don’t miss Thursday morning’s Candidates’ Council Breakfast followed by the Candidates’ Council Meeting – stay for the CC meeting and participate in group discussions of issues that are especially important to candidates. Then let off some steam and party with your fellow candidates at the Thursday evening Candidates’ Winter Party.  See below.  

Most importantly, enjoy APsA’s 2024 National Meeting. Make the most of the informative and compelling psychoanalytic sessions and simply enjoy all that APsA has to offer.

To learn about APsA Psychotherapist-In-Training Clinical Membership, click here.