3 From the President: Thanks, Bill Kerry J. Sulkowicz
12 Setting the Record Straight: Stewarding Psychoanalysis on Wikipedia Austin Ratner
15 Scenes from a Film Group: Siblings Diane M. Borden
25 APsaA 2022-23 Elections: Candidates’ Statements
31 Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis: Being Extraordinarily Unlucky and Lucky Gilbert W. Kilman
President: | Kerry J. Sulkowicz |
President-Elect: | Daniel W. Prezant |
Secretary: | Bonnie Buchele |
Treasurer: | Julio G. Calderon |
Executive Director: | Thomas H. Newman |
Magazine of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Lyn Yonack
Book Review Editors
Arlene Kramer Richards and
Arnold Richards
Candidate Editor
Sheryl Silverstein
Child and Adolescent Editor
Leon Hoffman
Diversity Editor
Justin Shubert
Education Editor
Alan Sugarman
Psychotherapy Editor
Ann H. Dart
Science Editor
Robert Galatzer-Levy
Visual Media Editor
Mary Brady
Editorial Board
Phillip Freeman, Peter Loewenberg,
Judith Logue, Julie Jaffee Nagel,
Thomas H. Newman, ex officio
Manuscript and Production Editor
Lucas McGranahan
The American Psychoanalyst is published three times a year. Subscriptions are provided automatically to members of The American Psychoanalytic Association. For non-members, domestic and Canadian subscription rates are $36 for individuals and $80 for institutions. Outside the U.S. and Canada, rates are $56 for individuals and $100 for institutions. To subscribe to The American Psychoanalyst, visit https://www.apsa.org/product/american-psychoanalyst-domestic-and-canadian-individuals, or write TAP Subscriptions, The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East 49th Street, New York, New York 10017; call (212) 752-0450 x18 or e-mail info@apsa.org.
Copyright © 2022 The American Psychoanalytic Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East 49th Street, New York, New York 10017.
ISSN 1052-7958
The American Psychoanalytic Association does not hold itself responsible for statements made in The American Psychoanalyst by contributors or advertisers. Unless otherwise stated, material in The American Psychoanalyst does not reflect the endorsement, official attitude, or position of The American Psychoanalytic Association or The American Psychoanalyst.
Correspondence and letters to the editor should be sent to TAP editor Lyn Yonack at lyn.yonack@gmail.com.