1 After a Covid-Imposed Separation, Together Again: Reflections on Our June 2022 Annual Meeting Donald B. Moss

3 From the President: Thanks, Bill Kerry J. Sulkowicz

6 Winnicott's Work with Evacuated Children During World War II Sheds Light on the Experiences of Ukranian Refugee Children Today Shirin N. Ali

9 Education: Making Sense of the Senseless: Psychoanalytic Intervention for Wartime Trauma Caroline Sehon

12 Setting the Record Straight: Stewarding Psychoanalysis on Wikipedia Austin Ratner

15 Scenes from a Film Group: Siblings Diane M. Borden

17 New Members

18 Candidates’ Couch: A Glimpse into My Backyard: On My Evolving Relationship with Analytic Candidacy Jaclyn Joyce

21 Education: The Transition from Candidate to Analyst: DPE's Recent Graduate Committee's New Initiative Sabrina Cherry and Richard Fritsch

23 Beyond the Consulting Room: How I Discovered Heard Immunity through Music and Psychoanalytic Knowledge Julie Jaffee Nagel

25 APsaA 2022-23 Elections: Candidates’ Statements

29 From the Archives: It Started with Plato: Revitalizing the Relationship Between Psychoanalysis and the Humanities Sarah and Patrick Miller

30 In Memoriam

31 Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis: Being Extraordinarily Unlucky and Lucky Gilbert W. Kilman

33 Retirement Redux Jane Hall

Correspondence and letters to the editor should be sent to TAP editor Lyn Yonack at lyn.yonack@gmail.com.