Quarterly Magazine of The American
Psychoanalytic Association

CONTENTS:  Fall  2018

Your APsaA: United and on the Move    Lee Jaffe

Annual Meeting—June 2018 Highlights

Put APsaA’s 2019 National Meeting On Your Calendar February 6-10, New York City    Donald B. Moss

Issues in Psychoanalytic Education: Why and How Neuropsychoanalysis Can Enrich Psychoanalytic Thinking and Learning    Charles P. Fisher and Richard J. Kessler Luba Kessler, Issues in Psychoanalytic Education Editor

Surrogates and Egg Donors: Deconstructing Layers of “Mother”    Linda Kanefield

Issues in Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis: Introducing Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C): New Psychodynamic Treatment for Youth with Disruptive Behaviors    Tracy A. Prout, Tatianna Kufferath-Lin, Timothy Rice and Leon Hoffman

APsaA Elections: Campaign Statements

APsaA’s Excellent New Fellows for 2018-2019

Book Review: Mighty Women: A Clinical/Interpretive View    Lois Oppenheim Arlene Kramer Richards and Arnold Richards, Book Review Editors

Psychoanalysis and Undergraduate Education    John Riker, Marcia Dobson and Alexandra Wong-Appel

Training and Supervising Analyst Appointments

New Members

In Memoriam