APsaA Elections

2018 National Meeting


Bill Glover, Ph.D.—451—Elected


President-elect Bill Glover

Richard Lightbody, M.D.—151


Susan Flinders, Ph.D.

Navah C. Kaplan, Ph.D.

Ira Moses, Ph.D.—Elected


Councilor-at-large-elect Ira Moses

Jan C. Van Schaik, M.D.—Elected


Councilor-at-large-elect Jan C. Van Schaik


Three proposed bylaw amendments were voted on by the APsaA membership. With almost 23 percent of the members voting, all three proposed bylaw amendments were passed. A vote of two-thirds of those members present is required to effect a bylaw change. The first bylaw amendment will create a position of two candidate councilors-at-large on the Executive Council. The second bylaw amendment will place four executive councilors on the Executive Committee. And the third bylaw amendment will correct ambiguity in Society/Study Group Voting Procedures for executive councilors.