Promoting Social Emotional Development Post-COVID in Children From Birth to Five

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute This event addresses: COVID-19, Children The global pandemic has had a devastating impact on the social and emotional development of young children and their caregivers in early educational settings. Children at different developmental levels experience the multiple stresses caused by the pandemic and its disruptions in different ways. How do […]

Trauma: Developmental and Psychodynamic Views, Then and Now

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Denver Psychoanalytic Society This event addresses: Trauma The program is targeted at all levels of practitioners of mental health services and will discuss the effects of relational trauma, misdiagnosis and misunderstanding of the effects on development and the necessity of genuine relationship in the healing process. We will look at progress and the ongoing struggle […]

The Fee In Our Helping Profession: Change and Continuity

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

THE METROPOLITAN INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING IN PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY This event addresses: This workshop will focus on the very complicated yet inescapable importance of the fee in clinical practice. PRESENTER: BARBARA STIMMEL, PH.D. SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2023 10 AM – 12 Noon This workshop will focus on the very complicated yet inescapable importance of the fee […]

The 2023 Grotstein Memorial Lectures: Part 1

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

New Center for Psychoanalysis This event addresses: James Grotstein’s work in comparative psychoanalytic theory Winnicott’s Analytic Technique: Learning from the Patient Professor Lesley Caldwell, MA, PhD — Visiting Professor, Psychoanalysis Unit, University College London In this first presentation, Lesley Caldwell examines Winnicott’s clinical trajectory as a pediatrician, adult analyst, and child analyst from the 1930s […]

Revisiting Resistance: Problems, Possibilities and Perspectives

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute This event addresses: This paper presentation is designed for psychoanalytically oriented clinicians who work with children, adolescents, and adults. The focus is on understanding the sources of resistance in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapies and psychoanalysis, and

Trauma, the Zero Process, and the Construction of Reality

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Western New England Psychoanalytic Society This event addresses: trauma Speaker: Joseph Fernando, Mpsy, MD This paper delves further into the nature and clinical applications of the zero process, an idea I introduced in my 2009 book on defenses to designate a specific form of mental functioning that is a product of trauma. The formation of […]

The Elusive Construct of “Therapeutic Action”

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute This event addresses: Therapeutic Action The Elusive Construct of “Therapeutic Action” is one of the major sources of frustration among psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic clinicians. The title of the presentation reflects the fact that after many decades of study and practice, it is still difficult for clinicians and researchers to adequately […]

The Music and Madness of Money: Psychoanalytic Reflections

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

International Psychotherapy Institute This event addresses: the emotional significance of money and attempt to show the ways in which it impacts upon the work of psychotherapy This one hour lecture features guest presenter Salman Akhtar, MD, the keynote speaker for our April Weekend Conference. About the Presentation: This presentation will address the emotional significance of […]

Psychoanalysis and Leadership for the Emergent Future

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Western New England Psychoanalytic Society This event addresses: climate crisis and leadership Speaker: Merritt Gardiner Juliano, JD, LCSW This half-day workshop will explore Otto Scharmer’s Theory U Leadership principles of “presencing,” or operating from the future as it emerges. During this time of great disruption as evidenced by the planetary health crisis, and massive failures […]

Advance Ethical Planning for the Therapist’s Unexpected Departure: The Professional Will

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

New Orleans Birmingham Psychoanalytic Center This event addresses: Ethics/Professional Will In the event of death or disability or other unexpected circumstances that would prevent a clinician from continuing to provide services, many tasks typically need to be completed, which should be set forth in the clinician’s Professional Will. Deb Henson, attorney and LCSW, will address […]

Adult Clinical 4 week seminar

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute Location: virtual Visit: This event addresses: The faculty of the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute invite you to participate in an invitational seminar focused on Deepening Psychotherapy Treatment with adult cases. The goal of this training is to demonstrate, through in-depth presentation of two psychotherapy treatments, practical, psychoanalytically-informed approaches and techniques for work […]

Play and the Rules That We Need … to be Broken

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute This event addresses: Play In this Academic Lecture, Steven Cooper explores how psychoanalysis is a form of play. With adult patients, play helps unsymbolized experience find expression through words. Winnicott’s theory of play, first described as relevant to children, marked a radical expansion of the intersubjective component of therapeutic action […]

Psychoanalytic Therapy and Evolution

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Greater Kansas City-Topeka Psychoanalytic Center This event addresses: Evolution and how it informs therapeutic practice Dr. David Blakely is a psychiatrist in Topeka, KS, practicing analytically oriented therapy with psychopharmacology.

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program 2023

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Instittute This event addresses: This course is designed to integrate the basic theoretical and technical concepts of psychodynamic therapy with clinical material from therapy with children/adolescents who are functioning at different developmental stages and with varying types of presenting psychopathology. The readings will focus on the topics of therapeutic engagement and alliance, deepening […]

Meet the Author: John Martin-Joy

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute This event addresses: Meet the Author Meet the Author with John Martin-Joy, MD, presenting his new book Conversations With Donald Hall. The discussion will be moderated by Steven Luria Ablon, MD. The online audience will have a chance to ask questions via a Q&A chat or “on camera”.

Connections and Conversation with George Bermudez, Ph.D.: Towards a Socio-centric Psychoanalysis Contributing to Deliberative Democracy: Social Dreaming, Community Psychoanalysis, & Reflective Citizenship

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Connections and Conversation is a free monthly Zoom meeting. The core thesis, threading through several publications is that if contemporary psychoanalysis aspires to contribute to addressing our socio-political and ecological challenges, we must develop an enlarged repertoire of theory and practice. The distinguished Harvard Law School Professor, Lawrence Lessig has eloquently argued that repairing our […]