Beyond Words: Exploring Countertransference Through Art & Sensory Expression

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) +1 more

Robert Wolf, DPsa presents a group supervision experience that provides a supportive environment to explore and process countertransference feelings and inductions through nonverbal, expressive modalities, and sensory motor techniques like drawing, role-playing, visualization, and somatic exploration, to help understand how our unconscious constantly collects information without our overt awareness. CE.

Nancy McWilliams, PhD and Michael Garrett, MD Spring 2024 Scientific Conference

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) +1 more

Dr. McWilliams will present "Vital Signs of Clinical Progress and Psychological Wellness" in the morning session and Dr. Garrett will present "Disguised Memories of Traumatic Experiences in Childhood and Adolescence that Appear in Psychotic Symptoms" in the afternoon session. CE Credits