Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate Education

APsA works to advance the understanding and knowledge of psychoanalysis via educational institutions and programs, and encourages interdisciplinary interaction and mutual learning involving educators at all levels of the education system. To further this effort, below are examples of programs for undergraduate students.
Launched in 2015, Penn’s undergraduate minor in Psychoanalytic Studies is one of just a handful of such programs in the U.S. Students may take a range of introductory and more specialized courses—many of them team-taught by a humanities scholar and an analytic clinician. These courses are open to students from every department and program throughout the university. Those who elect to complete the six-course requirement have their Psychoanalytic Studies Minor recorded on their transcript, and they also receive a Certificate of Accomplishment from the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
This blog, launched in 2019 and edited by Max Cavitch, is exclusively devoted to psychoanalysis and undergraduate education (and student life). New posts (usually 800-1200 words long) are published every 4-8 weeks, each written by a teacher, clinician, scholar, or student on a topic of special concern to them that merits broad attention. “Psyche on Campus” currently has over 4000 readers in 10 countries, and subscription is free to all. Proposals for new posts are always welcome and may be sent to the editor at: cavitch@english.upenn.edu.