American Psychoanalytic Association

2021 National Meeting 

Poster Submission – Poster Face Sheet

1.      Title of Poster: Title should be no longer than 130 characters












2.      List of authors: Up to four authors may be listed. Author 1 will be considered the primary point of contact, to whom all communications are sent.


Author 1


Name, Degree:


Institutional affiliation (if any) and address:






Are you a member of APsaA?


Primary disciplinary affiliation:



Is the first author a new or early career investigator and wishes to be considered for the American Psychoanalytic Association Poster Award?

(check one)


Yes  ______                                           No__________



If selected, would the author be interested and available to participate in one of two scheduled live chat sessions about their project with conference attendees? (The live chats will be held on Saturday February 13th from 5-6pm EST and Saturday February 20th  from 1-2pm EST).


Yes  ______                                           No__________









Author 2


Name, Degree:


Institutional affiliation (if any) and address:






Are you a member of APsaA?


Primary disciplinary affiliation:







Author 3


Name, Degree:


Institutional affiliation (if any) and address:






Are you a member of APsaA?


Primary disciplinary affiliation:



Author 4


Name, Degree:


Institutional affiliation (if any) and address:






Are you a member of APsaA?


Primary disciplinary affiliation: