Frame to Frame: Film Through the Lens of Psychoanalysis

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

From the start, the craft of filmmaking has been intertwined with psychoanalysis. Both were developed around the turn of the 20th century, and both involve, in practice, a fair amount of art as well as science. Perhaps most importantly, film and psychoanalysis share preoccupations with creativity, viewing and listening, primal desires, and primal fears. In […]

Lost Classics: “On Bearing the Unbearable States of Mind” by Ruth Riesenberg-Malcolm

What makes a thought or feeling unbearable and how might psychoanalytic psychotherapy help us understand how our patients are able to bear (or avoid bearing) unbearable states of mind? In this group of clinically-driven essays, the Chilean psychoanalyst, Riesenberg-Malcolm examines how we think about what is unbearable and what it means for the therapist to […]

White Dominant Norms in Mixed-Race Couples with Adam Rodriguez, PsyD and Julie Friend, LCSW

In this workshop, we will consider how discussions of race are avoided in interracial couples. The interracial couple's dissociation from racial stratification leaves the couple ensconced in the paranoid-schizoid position, where Internal and external pressures contribute to the couble enacting a monoracial identification aligned with white dominant norms. These racialized dynamics have an impact on […]

Play Therapy and the Virtual Frame – New Forms, Old Symbols

This series of four meetings is designed to meet the needs of clinicians interested exploring on- line aspects of child play psychotherapy and incorporating these psychodynamic concepts and techniques into their clinical practice with children. This course will have a clinical focus and will provide an opportunity for participants to hear and discuss case material.

The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst: Enactment, Trauma and Time with Robert Grossmark, PhD

Unrepresented and yet-to-be-suffered trauma and neglect announce themselves in the language of symptoms, absence and emergent enactments in the treatment field. This course will address the challenges when working with patients whose trauma does not avail itself to symbolization and mentalization. These patients often suffer disturbances in the area of self- other definition, continuity and […]

Exploring Transgender Identities: Clinical And Ethical Considerations From A Psychoanalytic Framework with Alessadra Lemma, PhD

In this seminar Dr. Lemma will critically review how psychoanalysis has approached the question of transgender identities and the challenges that have been proposed to the classical psychoanalytic understanding. She will introduce some key ethical points that are important for therapists working in this area. Finally, she will share some of her own clinical work […]