Violent Emotions and the Violence of Life

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Based on the work of Bion, Avner Bergstein, MA, FIPA, will address violent emotions and violent retaliation against the mind to protect itself from overwhelming excitation, which may result from an inability to mentally formulate or adaptively contain painful excitation. Examples of unrecognized collusions between patients and analysts blindsiding themselves against recognition of massive emotional […]

Gender Without Identity, Development Without Developmentalism

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Presented by Avgi Saketopoulou, PsyD. At this moment in time, conversations about gender are at the epicenter of heated debate and passionate conversation. At stake is gender's status as a concept (does gender matter, and if so, how?) and matters relating to gender development. Is gender an innate part of the self or one that […]

Helping Change Stick

CU Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO Aurora, CO, United States

Guest Speaker: Mary Jo Peebles, PhD, ABPP, ABPH Achieving tangible, structural change isn't easy. Four skill areas, frequently missing from psychodynamic curricula, help change stick: Goal-setting, Right-Hemispheric processing, enhancing Absorption, and actively developing Internalization. This workshop describes and illustrates these four skill areas to psychotherapists of all experience levels and theoretical orientations, using lecture, slides, […]

Living in the Time of the Great Derangement: Relationships between the Inner and Outer World

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

During this conference, four presenters (one biodiversity scientist and three psychoanalysts) will each present their perspective on the complexity of humans’ relations to the natural world and how these multifaceted relations contribute to and might mitigate today’s climate catastrophe. Presenters: Lindsay L. Clarkson, MD; W. John Kress, PhD; Donald B. Moss, MD; Lynne Zeavin, PsyD