Connections and Conversation with George Bermudez, Ph.D.: Towards a Socio-centric Psychoanalysis Contributing to Deliberative Democracy: Social Dreaming, Community Psychoanalysis, & Reflective Citizenship

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Connections and Conversation is a free monthly Zoom meeting. The core thesis, threading through several publications is that if contemporary psychoanalysis aspires to contribute to addressing our socio-political and ecological challenges, we must develop an enlarged repertoire of theory and practice. The distinguished Harvard Law School Professor, Lawrence Lessig has eloquently argued that repairing our […]

Meet the Author: John Martin-Joy

Virtual (Click on event title to advance to website and registration page)

Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute This event addresses: Meet the Author Meet the Author with John Martin-Joy, MD, presenting his new book Conversations With Donald Hall. The discussion will be moderated by Steven Luria Ablon, MD. The online audience will have a chance to ask questions via a Q&A chat or “on camera”.

Almost Half a Century Since it Was Expelled From the DSM, Why is Psychoanalytic Thought Still in the Wilderness?

Live via Zoom

Houston Psychoanalytic Society This event addresses: Almost Half a Century Since it Was Expelled From the DSM, Why is Psychoanalytic Thought Still in the Wilderness? Professor Hannah Decker’s presentation will illustrate the strength of the anti-psychiatry movement, a part of the Vietnam era’s many protests. The anti-psychiatry’s influence became so deep that the APA continues […]