Join us in this all-level study group as we utilize Nancy McWilliams’ text, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, as a guide to exploring the defining and distinguishing features of a psychoanalytic approach. Through reading and discussion, we will discuss some of the values and assumptions associated with a psychoanalytic sensibility, examine key considerations such as therapeutic frame and boundaries, and explore the “how” of basic psychoanalytic psychotherapy processes. Case material from the text and from group participants will help us bring these ideas to life. We will also consider the experience of the therapist in this modality, including the gratifications and challenges that come along with our work. Participants need a copy of the book: McWilliams, N. (2004). Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: A Practitioner’s Guide (Guilford Press).
Facilitated by Barton Jones, LCSW & Lindsey Hogan, PhD
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