Presentation Description: Todd Essig and Sherry Turkle will discuss AI and its impact on psychoanalysis, and the ethical considerations for our professional work as well as daily life, moderated by Marc Levine. Interaction and conversation with participants are encouraged.
Registration Link:
Program Flyer:
***DEADLINE TO REGISTER Monday, November 25, 2024. No late registrations accepted due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.***
*The Stacia I. Super Memorial Ethics Conference, will be held on Zoom for the 24-25 academic year. This year we will be recording this event to assist with further academic and scholarly research. Please be advised that by participating in this event, your image and voice may be captured by the recording. You may mute your microphone and disable your camera, but WBCP makes no assurance that your attendance and participation will not be captured by the recording. By your participation, you consent to all the inclusion of your image and voice in the recording.
The recording will be shared at some time after the conclusion of the meeting for purposes of research and academic studies. Viewing of the recording will NOT qualify for Continuing Education credits. If you have comments or concerns, please contact the WBCP administrative offices at