Dr. Megan Rundel, PhD, is a practitioner of psychedelic-assisted psychoanalysis in Oakland, CA. In this course, we will explore the psychedelic renaissance in mental health treatment and how it is relevant to psychoanalysis. We will consider the history of psychedelic use, and cultural issues that exert strong influence on our attitudes toward them. We will learn about the major psychedelic compounds being studied for efficacy in mental health disorders, their efficacy, mode of action, legal status, and contraindications. Then we will consider how psychoanalysts are uniquely well positioned to understand expanded states of consciousness, and explore clinical issues in working with patients who use psychedelics.
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The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA)
JAPA is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original articles and commentaries, ground-breaking research, thoughtful plenary addresses, in-depth panel reports, and more.

The American Psychoanalyst (TAP)
APsA’s triannual magazine, TAP, offers a psychoanalytic perspective on current events in psychology, the arts, and culture for mental health professionals, students, and the general public.

Psychotherapist Newsletter
The Psychotherapist Newsletter features scientific programs and publications about psychoanalytic psychotherapy, personal reflections, social and community issues, and advocacy.
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