This weekend conference addresses teletreatment and teletraining under geopolitical conditions of pandemic, division between factions and countries, international tension with China and Russia, and war in Ukraine. We review APsA empirical studies on teleanalysis uptake, reconceptualize online teaching for challenged psychoanalytic psychotherapy training programs in China and Russia, illustrate technology-mediated support for traumatized Russian/Ukrainian colleagues, and explore the impact of technology on psychoanalytic psychotherapy practice and analytic process.
Presenters: Todd Essig, Ph.D; Harold Kudler, MD; Mino Zanchi, MD; Caroline M. Sehon, MD, FABP; Andi Pilecki Eliza-Christie LPC; Michelle Kwintner PhD, LCSW-R; Yolanda Varela, PhD; Flora Barragan, MA; Jill Savege Scharff MD, FABP; Janine Wanlass, PhD; David Scharff MD, FABP
Friday 9:45am – 6:15 pm US ET
Saturday 9:45am – 6:15pm US ET
Sunday 10:00am – 2:00pm US ET