Free zoom event with Janine de Peyer, LCSW-R: Why has so little been written about the female analyst’s sexual desire? Is sexual arousal during clinical work such a rarity, or is it a natural response that has simply been relegated to the unmentionable? This workshop will explore cultural and gender prohibitions against the acknowledgement of the female analyst’s erotic arousal within the therapeutic dyad, whether heterosexual, same-sex or gender variant. Anchored by a particular case presentation in which an older, cisgendered, heterosexual female analyst finds herself unmoored by erotic stirrings toward her younger, cisgendered, heterosexual male patient, de Peyer will explore the emergence of unsettling erotic countertransference, her attempts to manage this arousal, and the inherent potential for healing that resides within an intersubjective dynamic of eroticism. By examining the intersubjective collision between her own desire and her patient’s apparent absence of desire, de Peyer will explore the emergence of dissociative transference-countertransference dynamics, along with culturally embedded associations to gender, power, ageism, the incest taboo, and the potential for ethical boundary violation. This workshop will primarily draw on works by Atlas, Celenza, Davies, and Elise.
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