Confidentiality Statement

Ensuring the confidentiality of all clinical material presented at our meetings is of the utmost importance to APsaA. Attendance is contingent on an agreement to adhere to the following guidelines:

• Clinical material must not be discussed outside of the session in which it is presented and furthermore must not be recorded, conveyed, or disseminated in written or electronic form.

• Participants must agree to maintain a secure environment to be utilized solely by the registered participant and protected from intrusion by, or exposure to, unauthorized persons.

• Presenters of case material must have either obtained informed consent from the patient (or guardian) or taken other carefully considered measures to safeguard confidentiality.

• If at any time a participant suspects he, she or they may recognize the identity of a patient in a case presentation, the participant must leave the session immediately.

• Failure to observe these guidelines constitutes a breach of APsaA’s ethical principles and may be cause for disciplinary or legal action or both.
