DPE Study Group How to Teach Freud 80673

Committee Type: Department of Psychoanalytic Education

Description: The mission of the “How to Teach Freud” Study Group is threefold. First we aim to understand how much Freud is currently being taught in APsaA institutes, and how and why various institutes have decided on the place of Freud teaching that they have given it within their curricula. Second, we aim to study diverse and novel Freud pedagogy in the classroom with these questions in mind: Given candidates’ varied intellectual backgrounds, which often include little or no experience reading Freud prior to candidacy, how is Freud most helpfully approached in the classroom? What teaching attitudes toward Freud’s words are facilitating in our time, and which ones interfere in candidates’ grappling with Freud? Third, as a longer-term goal, we wish to produce working papers useful to the DPE that summarize and illustrate effective and inventive Freud teaching.

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Mary Landy - - Ex Officio