Institute Requirements and Review Committee 80661

Committee Type: Committees of the Board of Directors

Description: The Institute Requirements and Review Committee (IRRC), a committee elected of and by the Board of Directors, is responsible for recommending policies and procedures for the application and approval of new institutes. This includes conducting the review and processing of applications from non-approved institutes for APsA approval and reporting its findings and recommendations concerning any such applications to the Board of Directors for its deliberation and action. The IRRC may also provide outreach to non-approved institutes, inviting them to explore the prospect of becoming approved institutes.  Recommendations for changes to the Psychoanalytic Educational Standards are handled by the IRRC for final approval by the Board of Directors.

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Seth Aronson 2018 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Ralph E. Fishkin 2019 / 06 2027 / 06 Member of Committee
Arthur Lew 2018 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Sarah Lusk 2024 / 06 2028 / 06 ExC Director
David Moore 2017 / 06 2025 / 06 Member of Committee
Daniel Prezant 2023 / 04 2026 / 06 Chairperson of Committee
Timothy H. Rayner 2021 / 06 2025 / 06 Member of Committee
Caroline Sehon 2024 / 06 2025 / 06 Secretary
Alan Sugarman 2024 / 06 2028 / 06 Member of Committee
Lyn Yonack 2017 / 06 2027 / 06 Member of Committee