Ethics 0135

Committee Type: Administrative Governance

Description: The Committee on Ethics consists of seven members appointed jointly by the President of the Association and the Chair of the Board on Professional Standards. At least one of the seven members shall be a child analyst. Each member shall serve a staggered five year term; members will be appointed each year to replace members whose term has expired. The President and Chair of BOPS jointly designate one member to act as Chair for a term of two years and, in the event of a vacancy on the Committee, will jointly appoint members to complete the unexpired term of the member being replaced. The Committee on Ethics shall 1) respond to communications regarding ""The Principles of Ethics for Psychoanalysis"" and the ""Provisions for Implementation of the Principles of Ethics for Psychoanalysis and issue advisory opinions regarding the application of the Principles to particular conduct; 2) recommend to BOPS and the Executive Council appropriate additions or modifications to these documents; 3) review decisions of Affiliate Societies, Study Groups, New Training Facilities, Accredited and Provisionally Accredited Training Institutes with regard to complaints alleging that a member of the Association has breached the ""Principles. Such review shall enable the Committee a) to make a decision, on the basis of the local group's investigation and decision, the analyst's membership status in the Association, and b) where appropriate, make recommendations to local groups regarding their handling and disposition of such matters. The Committee will follow the Association's Procedures in Regard to Question of Unethical Conduct as regards Advisory Opinions and Adjudication as set forth in the ""Provisions"".

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Thetis Cromie 2023 / 06 2028 / 06 Member of Committee
Robert A. Epstein 2016 / 08 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Jesse Viner 2020 / 08 2025 / 06 Chairperson of Committee
Angela Vuotto 2018 / 06 2028 / 06 Member of Committee
Ernest Wallwork 2017 / 12 2027 / 06 Member of Committee