Psychoanalysis in the Community 0117

Committee Type: Social Issues Department

Description: We plan an ""in-reach"" mission to help our profession and association expand the concept of psychoanalytic identity to include community psychoanalysis on an equal footing with clinical psychoanalysis. This widening scope will acknowledge the contributions that psychoanalysts have always made to their communities as part of their clinical work and membership in communities. In addition, there will be an emphasis on an egalitarian partnering with community agencies in the development of various projects. These may deal with problems in schools, communities and community governments, organizations and institutions, children exposed to trauma through media and/or directly in the communitiy, the prevention of mental illness, dealing with various policy issues, including diplomacy, war, global matters such as care of the environment , racial, cultural and other diversity issues. It is hoped that the expertise of the committee will continue to influence public policy and the legislative process on national and international levels. The committee has liaisons with the Committee on Social Issues, Schools, and Racial and Ethnic Diversity and holds regular meetings with committee representatives to share issues of common interest. To increase the visibility of our involvement in community work, the committee writes position papers, holds symposia on interdisciplinary topics, and runs a regular workshop, is a feature of the meeting program. Members are also encouraged to contribute to psychoanalytic education and curriculum development, and to represent community psychoanalysis in the media.

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Caroline Sehon 2022 / 09 2026 / 06 Chairperson of Committee