Finance 0211

Committee Type: Administrative Governance

Description: The Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer of the Association, assists the Treasurer in carrying out and monitoring the financial affairs of the Association, including management of assets, assurance of an orderly and correct set of accounting records, supervision of liabilities incurred, monitoring of income and expenses, budgeting, and reporting to Board and Council. Subcommittees on Investment Oversight and Contracts Review, as well as other subcommittees, are or may be appointed. The Committee is also responsible for recommending fiscal management policies to the Executive Director, the Executive Committee and the Executive Council. Such policies include, but are not limited to, dues levels, use of intangible assets, reimbursements to officers and others, special spending provisions, capital expenditures. The Chief Financial Officer of the Board on Professional Standards, the Treasurer of the Affiliates Council, an officer of the American Psychoanalytic Foundation, the Executive Director of the Association, and the head of the Accounting Department are ex-officio members of the Committee.

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Julio Calderon 2020 / 06 2026 / 06 Chairperson of Committee
Thomas Newman - - Ex Officio
Xiaofeng Wang 2023 / 06 2025 / 06 Ex Officio