Nominations Advisory (Corporation) 0101

Committee Type: Administrative Governance

Description: The mandate of this committee is to develop lists of potential candidates for national office (i.e., President-elect, Treasurer, and Secretary), as well as for Councilors-at-Large. Names of potential nominees are solicited from the membership of The American Psychoanalytic Association, as well as specifically from Presidents of Societies and Executive Councilors. After discussion and vote by the Nominations Advisory committee, nominees for each position are then presented to the Executive Council who vote for the final slate of candidates for office. These individuals are then presented to the membership for vote. The Nominations Advisory committee is primarily an elected committee. Six members (two each year) are elected by the Executive Council from a list developed by the Executive Committee. In addition, the immediate past President is a member of the committee for a two-year term. The committee elects its own chair.

Member Name Start Date End Date Position
Gennifer Briggs 2023 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
William Glover 2022 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Catherine Kimble 2019 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Paula Moreci 2023 / 06 2026 / 06 Member of Committee
Felecia Powell-Williams 2022 / 06 2025 / 06 Member of Committee
M. Jane Yates 2022 / 06 2025 / 06 Member of Committee