Articles, podcasts, news and blogs
Psychoanalysis & Activism, Today
Articles, podcasts, news and blogs
Dajani, K. (2020). The Cultural Underpinnings of Subjectivity and Inter-Subjectivity: A Discussion of “Trump Cards and Klein Bottles: On the Collective of the Individual”. Psychoanalytic Dialogues,Volume 30, 2020 – Issue 4.
Dajani K. Cultural determinants in Winnicott’s developmental theories. Int J Appl Psychoanal Studies. 2020;17:6–21.
Dajani KG. (2020). Cultural determinants in Winnicott’s developmental theories. Int J Appl Psychoanal Studies. 17:6–21.
Dajani, K. (2020). The Culturing of Psychoanalysis. ROOM:A sketchbook for Analytic Action. 6.19
Jones, A.L., M Obourn, (2014). Object fear: The national dissociation of race and racism in the era of Obama. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society,
Jones, A.L. (2015). A Psychoanalytic Reader’s Commentary: On Erasure and Negation as a Barrier to the Future. Psychoanal. Dial., 25(6):719-724
Jones, Annie Lee. (2017). Relational Dynamics of Loss, Grief and Fear in Everyday Lives of African-American Women. The American Psychoananalyst: Special Section: Conversations on Psychoanalyses and Race. Volume 51, No. l : Winter/Spring 2017.
Jones, A.L. (2020). A Black Woman as an American Analyst: Some Observations From One Woman’s Life Over Four Decades. Studies in Gender and Sexuality. Volume 21, Issue 2.
Lifton, Robert J. (2020) Owning reality: Reflections on Cultism and Zealotry. JAPA, volume 68 Issue 3. pp.407-432.
Lifton, Robert J. (1973) Home from the War: Vietnam Veterans—Neither Victims nor Executioners. Simon & Schuster (New York City), 1973.
Lifton, Robert J. (1968). Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima. Random House (New York City).
Marans, S. 2013. Phenomena of Childhood Trauma and Expanding Approaches to Early Intervention. Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies. 10(3): 247-266.
Marans, S. (2014). Intervening with Children and Families Exposed to Violence (Part I). J. Infant Child Adolesc. Psychother., 13(4):350-357
Marans. S. (2005). Listening to fear: From nightmares to the nightly news. NY: Henry Holt and Co.
Marans, S. (1996). Psychoanalysis on the beat: Children, police and urban trauma. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Vol 51: 522-541.
Moss, Donald J. (2016). The Insane Look of the Bewildered Half-Broken Animal. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 64(2):345-360
Moss, D. (2019). Where are all the Bodies?—Defensive Representational Strategies in a Time of Cataclysmic Change. Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies.
Moss, D. (2019). Free Speech, Love Speech, Hate Speech, and Neutrality: In and Out of the Consulting Room. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 67(2):313-327.
Poland, W.S. (2000). The Analyst’s Witnessing and Otherness. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 48(1):17-34
Poland, W.S. (2017). Ethics and the Psychoanalytic Hard Problem. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27 (4):414-422.
Poland, W.S. (2012). Outsiderness in Human Nature. Psychoanal. Q., 81(4):931-953
Vaughans, K. (2017). To Unchain Haunting Blood Memories: Intergenerational Trauma among African Americans, in Wounds of History
Repair and Resilience in the Trans-Generational Transmission of Trauma,
Edited By Jill Salberg, Sue Grand. London: Routledge.
Vaughans, K. (in press) Black Children in the Eye of the Storm: The Intergenerational transmission of trauma. In Beverly Stoute & Michael Slevin (Eds.) The Trauma of Racism: Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter. New York: Routledge.
Vaughans, K. (2014) Disavowed Fragments of the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma from Slavery among African Americans. In K. Vaughans & W. Spielberg (Eds.) The Psychology of Black Boys and Adolescents. Vol. 2 (pp.563-575), Santa Barbara: Praeger Publishers.
Podcasts, News and Blogs:
Annie Lee Jones:
Jones, Annie Lee. (2020) The Twin Pandemics of Racism and COVID-19: Being Black in America can be deadly on many levels. Psychology Today: Psychoanalysis Unplugged. Posted Jun 16, 2020.
Robert Jay Lifton:
Judith L. Herman M.D. (2018) Decoding Trauma: Interview With Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton. A Call For “Witnessing Professionals.”
Posted Jul 09, 2018
Lifton, Robert Jay and Nancy Rosenblum (2020). Donald Trump, the immoralist. New York Daily News.
Lifton, Robert Jay and Nancy Rosenblum (Sept. 3,2020) | The Politics of Fear. Opinion/Letters. The New York Times.
Steven Marans:
IPA Off the Couch:
Episode 16: Children Overwhelmed by Trauma: A Psychoanalyst Creates a Public Health- Police Initiative with Dr. Steven Marans
Sept. 2, 2019 00:38:58
Episode 65: Psychoanalysis at the Interface of the Community and the Police with Steven Marans, Ph.D
Warren Poland:
IPA Podcast, IPA Off the Couch Podcast 54, “There’s a Real Person In There.”