The APsA DPE Diversities Section was established to better understand the ways in which the psychoanalytic community conceptualizes and addresses issues around the many diversities particularly as they pertain to psychoanalytic training.
We offer this searchable database as a tool for finding materials that pertain to the diversities in psychoanalytic education and beyond — APsA Diversities Section Resource Webpage
How to Use this Database:
- The “Home” page contains the APsA Diversities Section Mission Statement.
- APsA Institutes Page
- Selecting the tab on the top navigation bar will lead you to the spreadsheet with the list of APsA Affiliated Psychoanalytic Institutes. This sheet contains the institute’s webpage, contact information, and the kind of training they offer
- If you hover over the “APsA Institutes” tab, you will find a dropdown to the page containing the APsA Institutes curricula. Click to take you to a page of curricula folders
- Select the institute in order to open the folder containing all the relevant curricula for the given institute. This includes their curricula for psychoanalytic and psychodynamic training programs, when applicable.
- Psychoanalytic Resources Page
- Selecting the tab on the top navigation bar will take you to the home page for the psychoanalytic resources. The home page will provide a brief introduction to the content.
- If you hover over the “Psychoanalytic Resources” tab, you will find a dropdown to the pages containing the spreadsheets for the different resources. Click on the diversity you are interested in finding resources for in order to navigate to the spreadsheet.
- The resources are listed alphabetically
- Use the Ctrl + F function to type a keyword and search the resources pertaining to that keyword
- There is also a column listing the keywords for each resource
- For each resource, you will find the abstract or description on the spreadsheet
The above document and website was organized in collaboration with Dr. Anton Hart, Ph.D., former chair of the DPE Diversities Section, and Jordan Dunn, M.A., Doctoral Student at The New School and Diversities Section Research Assistant for 2019-2020.