The Continuing Education Evaluation period will end on Monday, May 1, 2023 at midnight, Eastern Time.  After that, the recording of the meeting will be sent to all registrants.  Registrants can not receive CE Credit for watching the recording since this session is a Live Continuing Education Activity. 

How to Receive CE Credit

APsA is happy to offer Continuing Education Credits to Physicians, Psychologists, and Social Workers at the Symposium Series: Antisemitism and Racism. Continuing Education credits will be administered through an online evaluation system. Completion of the online evaluation is required to receive continuing education credits.

On Monday, April 8, 2024, you will receive an email with the subject line, “CE and Session Feedback: APsA Symposium Series: Antisemitism and Racism”. This email will include a link to the evaluation website and your username and password to access the CE evaluation.


Once you have completed the online evaluation, you will be able to print or email your continuing education certificate from the evaluation website.


Please note that once a CE certificate is printed, changes, edits, or additional information cannot be added. 


The deadline for completing the CE evaluation is Friday, May 3, 2024. 


If you do not receive the CE information email or if you have any questions, contact Kate Brundage, Director of Accreditation at [email protected].