Audrey Kavka, M.D. is the Chair of the APsaA Committee on Colleague Assistance and the author of the 2017 APsaA publication “Psychoanalyst Assistance Casebook.” She is the immediate past Chair of the IPA committee Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Ageing of Patients and Psychoanalysts and continues as the North American Regional Chair and Consultant to that committee. She wrote the first published work specifically on psychoanalyst assistance in the 2013 Routledge publication “The Empty Couch; The taboo of ageing and retirement in psychoanalysis.” She currently chairs the APsaA Department of Psychoanalytic Education (DPE) Study Group on Psychoanalytic Education & Aging. She enjoys speaking on issues of aging such as clinical work with late life patients, retirement, professional wills and of course, colleague assistance.
She is in private practice on Oakland, CA and is a faculty member of the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.