Note: All times are listed in Eastern Time but please double-check the event’s link.
The calendar will be next updated the week of March 13th.
Date/Time: 3/4/2023 10:00 AM ET |
Advance Ethical Planning for the Therapist’s Unexpected Departure: The Professional Will
New Orleans Birmingham Psychoanalytic Center Location: Virtual
This event addresses: Ethics/Professional Will
In the event of death or disability or other unexpected circumstances that would prevent a clinician from continuing to provide services, many tasks typically need to be completed, which should be set forth in the clinician’s Professional Will. Deb Henson, attorney and LCSW, will address the ethical obligations of therapists to engage in advance planning for such an unexpected event. Deb will lecture on specific ethical, clinical, & legal challenges, including a thorough analysis of methods to protect client confidentiality. Unconscious resistance to this task is understandable and we will discuss various facets of this issue. Participants will be invited to share their ideas, experience, and thoughts about this evolving ethical aspect of practice so often overlooked. The workshop will cover the entire process of planning and creating the Professional Will, implementing advance team preparation, and incorporating notice to clients by amending Intake paperwork. Participants will have time to create their own first draft.
Date/Time: 3/4/2023 12:00 PM ET |
Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society Scientific Meeting
Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society Location: Virtual, via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Working with a hard to reach patient
Writing and Righting and Selling the Cow for Beans: The Case of Tad, Psychoanalysis, Self and Context. Dr. Jeffrey Stern recounts his work with Tad, a difficult to reach patient, with whom treatment stalls. Dr. Stern turns to writing to reach an authentic and intimate part of himself that resonates with his patient Tad.
Date/Time: 3/5/2023 5:00 PM ET |
NCP’s 2023 Open House
New Center for Psychoanalysis Location: In person (Los Angeles) and online Visit:
This event addresses: Overview of training programs in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy .
NCP offers four postgraduate training programs in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy for licensed mental health professionals. Just as the landscape for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis has evolved during the past year, NCP continues to evolve through the integration of theories and our commitment to inclusion and diversity. Join us for a lively discussion with students from each of our programs, who will engage regarding how their training fostered personal growth, a deeper understanding of their patients’ experiences, and opportunities to build professional networks. You’ll also have an opportunity to meet our program directors and dean, learn about our multi-year training programs, and ask any questions you may have. NCP actively welcomes a broad range of psychoanalytic perspectives and fosters discussion among clinicians from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds and life experiences. Whether you are considering training this year or in the future, all are welcome to attend.
Date/Time: 3/11/2023 9:00 AM ET |
Psychoanalysis and Leadership for the Emergent Future
Western New England Psychoanalytic Society Location: Virtual Visit:
This event addresses: climate crisis and leadership
Speaker: Merritt Gardiner Juliano, JD, LCSW This half-day workshop will explore Otto Scharmer’s Theory U Leadership principles of “presencing,” or operating from the future as it emerges. During this time of great disruption as evidenced by the planetary health crisis, and massive failures in our social, political, and economic institutional systems, Scharmer sets forth a framework to address these challenges drawing from the work of Fritjof Capra, and calling for us to heal the ecological, the social and the spiritual. Participants will become familiar with Scharmer’s three arenas of the social world: (1) objective structures and systems, (2) enacted structures and systems or intersubjectivity, and (3) deep sources of enactment or trans-subjectivity. Finally, we will explore principles and practices of presencing. Participants will discuss parallels in the psychoanalytic process, and contrast learning from the past with operating from the future (that wants to emerge). We will also consider aspects of psychoanalysis that can nurture presencing, as well as aspects of psychoanalysis that may no longer be useful in light of emerging complexity and systems science.
Date/Time: 3/11/2023 10:00 AM ET |
Aggressive Enactments: Containing the “No” in Clinical Work with Survivors of Abuse
Dallas Psychoanalytic Center Location: 2201 Inwood Rd. NC8.212, Dallas, TX 75390 AND Livestream via Zoom
This event addresses: survivors of abuse
Dr. Marilyn Charles and Dr. Zane Dodd, Co-leaders, expand on their understanding on enactments in working with deeply traumatized persons.
Date/Time: 3/11/2023 10:30 AM ET |
THE PASTOR AND THE ANALYST: An Interactive Discussion of Conscious and Unconscious Guilt, Religion, and Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia Location: Virtual via Zoom
This event addresses: Conscious and Unconscious Guilt, Religion, Psychoanalysis
Co-Facilitators Sonja Ware, TH.M.,M.DIV. & David Sachs, MD. present THE PASTOR AND THE ANALYST: An Interactive Discussion of Conscious and Unconscious Guilt, Religion, and Psychoanalysis.
Guilt is part of the emotional spectrum of human life. As a function of the superego, it can be a healthy compass helping us to make choices. Yet, guilt also has the capacity to burden us in painful and inhibiting ways. Guilt is a societal reality as well. Courts, judges, and juries are put in place to hear cases and then declare a person either guilty or not guilty. In Religion, guilt is addressed through the concept of sin defined as acting against God’s will. Discussing guilt automatically opens the door to concepts like penance, punishment, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Guilt is a hot topic in Psychoanalysis as well as Religion and is large and deep enough to be explored for hours, days, and months. Many theories and concepts have been developed about both conscious and unconscious guilt.
With this in mind, David Sachs and Sonja Ware invite you to explore the aspect of conscious and unconscious guilt in a very practical manner in this year’s discussion between the Pastor and the Analyst. Sonja and David will introduce the conversation by sharing some initial reflections and then present practical examples of situations in which they discovered conscious and unconscious guilt. The clinical examples are made up of a blend of different people to foster discussion and to maintain privacy. The conversation will then be opened to give most of our time together for mutual discussion, thriving through the insights of the participants and their experiences. This program intentionally is an interdisciplinary invitation to all who are curious about exploring guilt, psychoanalysis, and/or religion.
Date/Time: 3/11/2023 12:00 PM ET |
Owing and Being Owed: Shame and Responsibility Toward the Other
San Diego Psychoanalytic Center Location: Virtual: Zoom
This event addresses: Shame and Guilt
In the aftermath of relational disruptions to giving of oneself and being received, shame inverts the passionate movement of responsibility toward and for others into an enclosed self-focused preoccupation. Through the filter of omnipotence and omniscience, shame transforms the helplessness of one’s suffering into punishment and fault. Self-shaming becomes paradoxically intertwined with self-pity, which then eventually leads to resentment and the entitlement of feeling owed, which is contrasted with the remorseful guilt that leads to a sense of owing others. Since a patient’s curiosity about the person of the therapist reflects an attempt to emerge from shame and take responsibility for what she comes to discover and know, it is of crucial importance that the therapist responds respectfully and actively engages that curiosity on a democratic rather than hierarchical basis.
Date/Time: 3/11/2023 12:30 PM ET |
Ferenczi’s Secret Life: Mutual Analysis as a Relational Paradigm with Peter Rudnytsky, PhD, LCSW
Oregon Psychoanalytic Center Location: 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215 & Virtual
This event addresses: Ferenczi’s Secret Life
Ferenczi’s mutual analysis with Elizabeth Severn is one of the most controversial and consequential episodes in the history of psychoanalysis. Routinely attacked by conservative commentators as a boundarv vio ation and an exploitation of the patient, Rudnytsky defends Ferenczi’s experiment on both counts and argues that mutual analysis serves as a paradigm for the two-person model of relational analysis, as Freud’s self-analysis is a paradigm for the one-person model of classical analysis. Ferenczi’s return to Freud’s pre-1897 (misnamed) “seduction theory,” and his concomitant modifications of therapeutic technique, caused him to go underground and develop a secret life trom Freud in a way that has until recently been necessary for trauma theorists. Peter L. Rudnytsky, Ph.D., L.C.S. W., is Professor of English at the University of Florida and Head of the Department of Academic and Professional Affairs as well as Chair of theCommittee on Confidentiality of APsaA. He is Editor of the History of Psychoanalysis series for Routledge and Coeditor of the Psychoanalysis series for Bloomsbury. He received the Gradiva Award for Reading Psychoanalysis: Freud, Rank, Ferenczi, Groddeck (Cornell, 2002), and his most recent book is Mutual Analysis: Ferenczi, Severn, and the Origins of Trauma Theory (Routledge, 2022). Clinical material will be presented by a local analyst Jeanne Johnson, MD.
Date/Time: 3/16/2023 7:30 PM ET |
Meditative Psychoanalysis: The Marriage of Mindfulness, Meaning, and Intimacy
The American Institute for Psychoanalysis Location: Via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: On the aspects of Western psychoanalysis and Eastern meditative traditions
Interest in blending Eastern meditative and Western psychotherapeutic traditions is burgeoning, yet we have only begun to realize what these rich traditions can teach each other. In this presentation—a combination of lecture, meditation practice, and dialogue with the audience—Dr. Jeffrey B. Rubin will explore what he terms meditative psychoanalysis, a practice that blends the best aspects of Western psychoanalysis and Eastern meditative traditions (heightened concentration and mindfulness, decoding unconscious meaning, and liberated intimacy) into a more encompassing synthesis.
Date/Time: 3/16/2023 11:00 PM ET |
Scientific Meeting: Embodiment and the Perversion of Desire
New Center for Psychoanalysis Location: Zoom & In-Person at 2014 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 Visit:
This event addresses: Embodiment and the Perversion of Desire
Dr. Celenza presents the case of Laura, who considers her sexual desire to be perverse, to illustrate ways in which subjective positions and affective, embodied states can be defended against, split off or otherwise dissociated, reflecting a perverse intra-subjective position. A schematic is offered that depicts various subjective positions (The Embodied Subject, The Reflective Self or “I,” The Subjective Object or “Me,” The Objectified Self or “It,” and Unconscious Processes or “Not Me”). These positions are conceived as phenomenal subjective states that are universal potentials. The schematic also depicts the extent to which each position is integrated and interpenetrates with other positions. In addition, a modification of this schematic is proposed to illustrate perverse modes of intra-subjective functioning where the position of the Embodied Subject is split off or dissociated, resulting in a deadening of affective experience. The case of Laura is presented to illustrate an example of the latter mode of functioning.
Date/Time: 3/17/2023 10:00 AM ET |
The Music and Madness of Money: Psychoanalytic Reflections
International Psychotherapy Institute Location: Virtual
This event addresses: the emotional significance of money and attempt to show the ways in which it impacts upon the work of psychotherapy
This one hour lecture features guest presenter Salman Akhtar, MD, the keynote speaker for our April Weekend Conference.
About the Presentation: This presentation will address the emotional significance of money and attempt to show the ways in which it impacts upon the work of psychotherapy. The ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ agendas of money in and individual’s emotional life will be highlighted and five pathological syndromes will be described. These include (i) chronic miserliness, (ii) characterological over-spending, (iii) inordinate generosity, (iv) monetary masochism and, (v) pathological gambling. Setting of fees for psychotherapy, charging (or not charging) for missed sessions, and other transference and countertransference reverberations of monetary exchange within the clinical dyad will also be discussed. Finally, some unusual situations where a firm refusal to accept money offered by a patient as an ethical intervention will be underscored.s This special event does not offer CE credits, however the April Weekend will offer up to 14.5 hours of CE.
Date/Time: 3/18/2023 12:00 PM ET |
Maternal Erotic Transferences and the Fate of Feminine Signifiers
New Center For Psychoanalysis Location: Zoom and In-person 2014 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Visit:
This event addresses: Maternal Erotic Transferences and the Fate of Feminine Signifiers
This program is designed to address clinically relevant theorizing and its clinical applications on a variety of psychoanalytic perspectives revolving around transferences, states of being and the place of love in the analytic setting. The day’s program will be divided into two parts. The morning program will involve a clinically based presentation of maternal erotic transferences with verbatim clinical process. Bringing her special gift for freshly communicating clinical and theoretical perspectives, Dr. Celenza will clarify “maternal eroticism,” differences in related concepts, and how femininity and femaleness are internalized at different levels. The afternoon program will involve a selection of Andrea Celenza’s evocative musings on transference, love and being. A rich audience discussion is invited as we think through each brief reading.
Date/Time: 3/19/2023 2:00 PM ET |
Psychological Complexity in Shakespeare with Richard Waugaman
Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis Location: Via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Psychological Complexity in Shakespeare
Richard Waugaman, MD will present excerpts from his chapter on “Psychological Complexity in Shakespeare,” to be published by Routledge in a book on psychoanalytic approaches to Shakespeare. Psychoanalysis has helped illuminate the astonishing complexity of Shakespeare, arguably the greatest creative writer in history. Exploring various dimensions of Shakespeare’s complexity will highlight his psychological insights, and help explain his astonishingly universal appeal–across the centuries, across the globe, across social classes, and across all age groups.
Date/Time: 3/22/2023 7:00 PM ET |
The Elusive Construct of “Therapeutic Action”
Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute Location: Virtual Visit:
This event addresses: Therapeutic Action
The Elusive Construct of “Therapeutic Action” is one of the major sources of frustration among psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic clinicians. The title of the presentation reflects the fact that after many decades of study and practice, it is still difficult for clinicians and researchers to adequately describe how the patient changes and what roles the clinician has in facilitating change. What approaches have been developed to help us understand how patients can expand their understanding of the source of their difficulties and what they can do to improve their lives? Dr. Gabbard will discuss some of the historical and recent efforts that have been made to understand what constitutes therapeutic action in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy. He will illustrate some of these recent advances with clinical vignettes.
Date/Time: 3/24/2023 5:00 PM ET |
COWAP North America Film Series: Discussion of the film “Call Jane” (2022)
Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis Location: Via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Gender
Adrienne Harris and Abby Pariser will each give a brief discussion of the movie, followed by an open conversation with the audience. We look forward to your participation. The discussion will focus on the importance of abortion being legal and of women fighting for their rights.
Date/Time: 3/25/2023 11:00 AM ET |
Ethics Conference – Conflicts and Ethics in Psychoanalytic Consultation and Supervision
Houston Psychoanalytic Society Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Ethics
Presented by Nancy McWilliams, PhD
Beginning therapists tend to go to supervisors with ethical questions at a very high frequency, and most experienced therapists know they need to seek consultation when facing ethical dilemmas. Because the literature on psychoanalytic supervision, especially in the domain of ethics, is quite limited, there is a need for meetings at which practitioners consider the unique and highly complex ethical problems that psychodynamic therapists may encounter. Rather than construing ethics as a set of rules of procedure, this conference anchors ethical questions within the general principles of the psychological and medical professions, placing clinical and supervisory choices within the broader humanistic goals that underlie the exploratory psychotherapies.
Date/Time: 3/25/2023 4:00 PM ET |
Trauma, the Zero Process, and the Construction of Reality
Western New England Psychoanalytic Society Location: Virtual Contact: [email protected]
This event addresses: trauma
Speaker: Joseph Fernando, Mpsy, MD
This paper delves further into the nature and clinical applications of the zero process, an idea I introduced in my 2009 book on defenses to designate a specific form of mental functioning that is a product of trauma. The formation of zero process memories through the shutting down during trauma of various functions such as integration and abstraction that usually construct the present moment leads to unintegrated, unsymbolized bits and pieces of raw experience. While being retained over time like a memory, in most other ways they behave as a present or future experience. The experience refuses to retreat from the perceptual systems of the mind to the memory systems, and thus does not become part of the psychological past. Specific ideas about the nature of the zero process will be contrasted with other theories of post-traumatic functioning, as well as with Freud’s idea of the primary process. Specific defenses that use the “just happening or about to happen” nature of the zero process, such as temporal shifting and splitting of the identity, will be described, as will zero process structures such as introjects. One of the main findings of zero process theory is that the repetitions of trauma, rather than being merely passive, are phenomena that have specific dynamics and structures. While pointing out the similarity between a present action or feeling and a past trauma has little effect, analyzing the defenses and structures that hold the repetition in place allows us to crack it open and achieve structural change. Because the superego is a structure with zero process elements, these same techniques are helpful in superego analysis.
Date/Time: 3/31/2023 6:00 PM ET |
Revisiting Resistance: Problems, Possibilities and Perspectives
Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute Location: Virtual Visit:
This event addresses: This paper presentation is designed for psychoanalytically oriented clinicians who work with children, adolescents, and adults. The focus is on understanding the sources of resistance in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapies and psychoanalysis, and
Date/Time: 4/1/2023 10:00 AM ET |
Coming Together When Things are Falling Apart: Writing Together About Racism with Beverly Stoute and Michael Slevin
Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis Location: GWU (Foggy Bottom Campus) – Ross Hall Room 117 Visit:
This event addresses: Racism
Beverly J. Stoute, MD, who is African American, and Michael Slevin, MA, MSW, who is white, will discuss the personal and historical moments that precipitated their decision as colleagues to tackle their five-year project co-editing The Trauma of Racism: Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter (Routledge, 2023). Slevin, who published about his community work in an urban hospital emergency room, and Stoute, who published about racial socialization and conceptualized Black Rage as an intrapsychic adaptation to racial trauma while editing the book, will tell the story with personal immediacy how their relationship and work deepened their racial awareness and clinical understanding and influenced the trajectory of the book. Such work can lead to splits and injuries navigating racism’s searing effects on personal, clinical, and community understandings. How did we come together and not fall apart? What did we learn that might speak to cross-cultural considerations that can be applied more widely as we tackle issues of diversity in our current polarizing social and political climates? There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion.
Date/Time: 4/4/2023 8:00 PM ET |
Study Group – Conflict: Various Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Houston Psychoanalytic Society Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Study Group – Conflict: Various Psychoanalytic Perspectives
From its beginning, psychoanalysis has been defined as a psychology of conflict. As such, conflict is considered ubiquitous and unavoidable, central to the formation of human character and maladaptive symptoms. Freud’s tripartite structure of id, ego, and superego, and the subsequent development of modern conflict theory, made conflict the center of inner life. The understanding of psychic conflict became the goal of therapeutic action. As the scope of psychoanalysis broadened and various schools of thought evolved, our views of mental conflict also changed. This study group will examine the major schools of psychoanalytic thought with regard to their perspectives of inner conflict—its origins, nature, role in character development and psychopathology, and clinical implications.
This study group is intended for clinicians with an intermediate to advanced level of knowledge about psychoanalytic theory. We will utilize readings, discussion, and case examples in exploring inner conflict from the concepts of classical psychoanalysis, ego psychology, Kleinian theory, object relations, self psychology, intersubjectivity, and relational psychoanalysis. These viewpoints are summarized in readings by renowned scholars and clinicians from the various schools of thought. Group participants must obtain the textbook that we will use, Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Conflict, edited by Christopher Christian, Morris Eagle, and David Wolitzky (Routledge, 2017).
Date/Time: 4/13/2023 8:30 PM ET |
Compromised Analyses: On the Failure to Productively Use Difficult Countertransference Experience
Houston Psychoanalytic Society Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Compromised Analyses: On the Failure to Productively Use Difficult Countertransference Experience
Presented by Irwin Hirsch, PhD
Psychoanalysts have long questioned the relative value of insight as a mutative factor in psychoanalytic treatment. Currently, most analysts believe that insight has value, but is not sufficient in and of itself to produce structural change in most patients. The increasingly prevalent view is that the analytic relationship has more explanatory power in understanding why patients change. This presentation will explore which elements of the patient-analyst relationship have the most mutative power. Through the use of clinical examples, it will be shown that the analyst’s productive use of countertransference experience is key to successful analyses, whereas the failure to use conscious uncomfortable countertransference is a primary factor in compromised analyses.
Date/Time: 4/14/2023 10:00 AM ET |
BESIDES HUMAN BEINGS: Time, Space, Animals, Things, and God
International Psychotherapy Institute Location: virtual and onsite-5601 River Rd Rockville MD, US
This event addresses: Psychodynamics
Keynote Speaker: Salman Akhtar, MD BESIDES HUMAN BEINGS: Time, Space, Animals, Things, and God
Psychoanalysis, including psychoanalytic psychotherapy, is a discipline devoted to studying psychic development, well-adapted and maladapted mental functioning, the unfolding of the inner world of real and imaginary formative figures during a therapeutic dialogue, and the subterranean existence of the personal in the cultural and vice versa. The building blocks of the inner world and outer edifice are held, in psychoanalysis, to be the dialectics of interactions between a growing child’s given potentials and the actual and felt attitudes of his or her caretakers. Mother, father, and to a lesser extent, grandparents and siblings are viewed as the major players in this drama. Also, recently the study of culture and diversity have been given some attention.
Strikingly, psychoanalytic theory has largely ignored the role of the non-human shapers and regulators of personality, both as it develops and functions over the human lifespan. Exceptions do exist (e.g., Freud’s fetish, Winnicott’s transitional object, Searles’s study of anthropomorphization and animism, Volkan’s linking objects). However, by and large the impact of the non-human environment has been ignored. This set of presentations and group discussions seek to rectify this error by addressing the role of time, space, animals, things, and God in normal and abnormal psychic functioning and in the latter’s amelioration, and will delineate their developmental, psychopathological, and therapeutic implications. Material from literature, poetry, movies, and day-to-day clinical practice will be included to highlight the proposals made.
Date/Time: 4/14/2023 12:30 PM ET |
Alumni Group: The Mother-Daughter Dyad- Why It’s Important and Why It’s Often Overlooked
Center for Psychoanalytic Studies (900 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006) Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Renewed focus on women in today’s world
Presenters: Sylvia Gonzalez, MD, PLLC and Adriana Martinez Crane, LCSW – The current socio-political climate has forced a renewed focus on women in today’s world. We see women of all ages, ethnicities, socio-economic status and spiritual beliefs uniting not only to hold their ground but to continue the plight of their mothers and grandmothers for the sake of their daughters and granddaughters. The world now calls for a re-focusing on the mother-daughter dyad and all of its intricate, delicate and complicated dynamics. It is in this dyad that little girls become women; and for some, where they learn to become mothers.
Date/Time: 4/22/2023 8:45 AM ET |
Symposium 2023: Love and Empathy
Location: In-person & Virtual Visit:
Symposium 2023: Love and Empathy, hosted by Mount Sinai Medical Center, will take place virtually and in person on April 22, 2023 from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm. Jonathan Lear will be the keynote speaker. Brochure:
Date/Time: 4/22/2023 10:00 AM ET |
Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives on Analyst Boredom: Deadness, Aliveness, and the Spaces in Between
Psychoanalytic Center of the Carolinas Location: Virtual – Zoom
This event addresses: Clinician boredom
Presented by Steven Kuchuck, DSW, this presentation will explore traditional as well as much more contemporary thinking about the meaning of clinician boredom. Dr. Kuchuck argues that boredom can of course indicate dissociated or otherwise inaccessible patient and/or therapist affect. But there may be something about the normative clinical encounter that engenders these states more often than we care to admit. The deadened analyst’s resultant shame, guilt and other complex feelings will be explored via extensive theory and clinical material.
Date/Time: 4/22/2023 12:00 PM ET |
Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society Scientific meeting
Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society Location: Virtual, via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Unconscious Relstionship with Psychoanalytic Theory
Our Unconscious Relationship with Psychoanalytic Theory. *****Our David Black Memorial Lecturer***** this year, Dr. Gretchen Schmutz, uses clinical material to explore the role of the unconscious in relationship to psychoanalytic theory. She find theory allows the analyst to have experience that contain important unconscious thinking which in turn contributes to new understandings about theory.
Date/Time: 4/29/2023 12:00 PM ET |
The Provisional Psychoanalyst
Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia Location: Rockland East Fairmount Park – 3810 Mt Pleasant Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19121 & Virtual Option Visit:
This event addresses: International Scholar Forum.
Dr. Leopold Nosek, Sao Paulo, Brazil, will discuss his ideas about how analysts participate in an analysis with a particular theoretical ensemble, an ethical conception, and an aesthetic development. He will explore how the analyst’s entire being is mobilized by the analytic encounter and how this initiates a never-ending reflection that is permanently renewed, even in its most secure convictions. Dr. Nosek intends to present a brief moment in his trajectory as an analyst in order to demonstrate his conceptualization of the analyst’s transformation. He will explain his belief that “treating such moments as merely spontaneous, does not remove them from the field and creates the potential emergence of prejudiced convictions…[and he will address his ideas about how] “the unconscious, the object of our practice, may only be presented metaphorically, and this always requires the renewal of the constructions intended to account for its presence…we cannot use old metaphors for new loves, just as we cannot send a new bunch of flowers with the same card.”
Date/Time: 5/2/2023 8:00 PM ET |
Study Group – Collisions and Uncomfortable Countertransference in the Clinical Encounter
Houston Psychoanalytic Society Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Collisions and Uncomfortable Countertransference in the Clinical Encounter
Facilitated by Cynthia Mulder, LCSW-S and Nancy Warren, PhD
Collisions and uncomfortable countertransference in the clinical process may have both conscious and unconscious contributions. The patient’s and therapist’s histories, character structure, wishes, and expectancies may clash, often fueled by external stresses and events, and these factors may cause the treatment to flounder, stagnate, or end altogether. We will begin by considering Joyce Slochower’s notion of psychoanalytic collisions in the consulting room. Slochower, who is a relational analyst influenced by Winnicott, examines situations in which the clinician’s personal and professional wishes clash with the realities of everyday clinical work. We will explore ways that psychoanalytic collisions can be productively engaged even if they cannot be fully resolved, which generally requires a maintenance of therapeutic hopefulness along with an acceptance of the therapist’s human fallibilities. We will then undertake a closer examination of countertransference, specifically, Irwin Hirsch’s notion of coasting in the countertransference. Hirsch is relational analyst and intersubjectivist whose writings over the years have focused largely on countertransferential issues. Coasting refers to the clinician persisting in certain behaviors even after becoming aware of them, behaviors indicating our apparent willingness to sacrifice the patient’s interest for our own comfort and equilibrium. As such, we will examine how clinicians’ character structure and situational stresses influence their preference for certain types of patients and their clinical participation. We will consider how theory, however helpful and necessary, can also become a crutch. Finally, we will examine how money complicates the therapist-patient relationship. This study group is appropriate for beginning and seasoned clinicians with an intermediate level of knowledge about psychoanalytic theory. We will utilize readings with case examples, which will hopefully stimulate open discussions about our own practices and patients. Study group participants must obtain a copy of the 2 textbook that we will use: Psychoanalytic Collisions (Slochower, 2012) and Coasting in the Countertransference (Hirsch, 2008).
Date/Time: 5/5/2023 12:30 PM ET |
Alumni Group: Psychoanalysis – Beyond the Individual
Center for Psychoanalytic Studies (900 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006) Location: Live via Zoom Visit:
This event addresses: Views beyond the intrapsychic approach towards interpersonal formulations, dyadic and group aspects of human mental functioning
Presenter: M Sagman Kayatekin MD
This session is targeted to help the treaters to have a multilayered, psychoanalytically informed systemic formulation of the patient, and strategize the treatment within that complicated formulation. Dr. Kayatekin has extensive experience in Psychoanalytic individual, family, group, milieu and hospital teamwork. These contexts, with their regressive/progressive capabilities on the person and the psychopathology, provide a unique window to the fascinating interrelatedness of intra-psychic and interpersonal matrices of human minds. Clinical vignettes and publication from psychoanalytically informed multiple treater settings and discussion will expand participants’ understanding beyond the intrapsychic/dyadic psychoanalytic approaches that dominate the psychoanalytic theory.